Republicans & Democrats


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I'd say that visiting a mosque is idiotic.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
No. Your understanding of American history is inexcusable.

Our founding fathers didn't rebel and succeed from England?

Becuase that is a fact for all Americans that believe in what actually happened.

But what do you history revisionists believe happened between 1776 and 1787 between the American Colonies and England?


Well-Known Member
What do you mean?

I thought it was obvious. There has been an effort to disparage the Christian and suck up to the muslim by the presidents administration.
While Isis is brutalizing everyone they have a special fondness for Christians and have been targeting them over there. yet an effort to at least give those Christians who are being targeted any help here is treated as being discriminatory.
Meanwhile the president goes to a mosque not to show respect to the muslim faith which I would be fine with but to drum up some fairy tale about discrimination against them.
The only so called discrimination I see is concerned citizens saying this:

a) Europe has had terrorist acts performed and terrorists found who snuck in to Europe as refugee's therefore
b) slow down the immigration of muslim refugee's into this country until we know who they are and why they are here.

that's not discrimination that's common sense.


Well-Known Member
when the democrats moved to the right in the 90s, it caused the republicans to move to the extreme right. so if 90s - present democrats are yesterdays old republicans, what does it say about the people who have stayed with the republicans.

so many people here are just following their party; they might not have something they stand for. if a popular republican came along who was actually far left wing but not portrayed as that, you would probably vote with that republican.

another example of what im saying is in silicon valley there are alot of worker controlled jobs (which is traditional socialism and not capitalism) but many of the workers there are republican. they dont seem to understand that they are practicing socialism, but if they were asked about socialism theres a good chance they say they hate it.