Repug versus Dimwit perception of the electoral map of the United States


Well-Known Member
I think the point he was making was a racist troll so a different term wouldn’t have been effective. I guess he could have dropped an N bomb to really drive his point across.

in todays world liberals profess to read peoples minds and determine the flick of any eyebrow signals deep seated racist thoughts.

meanwhile a good liberal can use the N word at will and be forgiven since clearly a lib can never be racist.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
It’s a great system. One ignorant hick in Montana has as much electoral power as 2000 people living in a city in California. I’m sure that will produce excellent results for the most citizens. The framers got this one wrong.
Not really.
The wisdom behind it was to frame the 2000 ignoramus's who would live in a city in California .


Inordinately Right
it sucks when you try to stack the deck with three million illegals and Trump still wins
Oh you believe that illegal immigrant voter lie? What happened to that voter fraud investigation Trump started? Oh that's right..... he called it off and tucked tail and ran from that farce. Only the most ignorant sheep continue to baaaaahhhh about that delusion.

Carry on sheep.