gee, now I'll contemplate how to improve an 830 credit raring !! NOT.
Just read an article in today's paper that may interest retirees who thought that it would be a good idea to put their credit cards away. Turns out that inactivity can be as detrimental to one's credit score as excessive debt.
In the article, a 70 year old lady went to a local car dealer with a substantial down payment to buy a car the she really wanted. Turns out she did not qualify for the loan as she had not used any of her credit for 10 years.
The article did mention one thing that I strongly with. It said that proper credit use would ensure that the retiree would be able to co-sign for a loan or a credit card for a child or grandchild. Retirees should never co-sign for anything for anyone!!
Responsible use of one's credit should not end the day that you stop working.
Just read an article in today's paper that may interest retirees who thought that it would be a good idea to put their credit cards away. Turns out that inactivity can be as detrimental to one's credit score as excessive debt.
In the article, a 70 year old lady went to a local car dealer with a substantial down payment to buy a car the she really wanted. Turns out she did not qualify for the loan as she had not used any of her credit for 10 years.
The article did mention one thing that I strongly with. It said that proper credit use would ensure that the retiree would be able to co-sign for a loan or a credit card for a child or grandchild. Retirees should never co-sign for anything for anyone!!
Responsible use of one's credit should not end the day that you stop working.
gee, now I'll contemplate how to improve an 830 credit raring !! NOT.
Co-sign is something to be very cautious about but I wouldn't say it should never be done. Just use extreme caution. That loan will show up on your own credit report and your responsibility to pay if the other person doesn't. I did it for my sister once and she did repay the loan but it did temporarily hurt my credit rating.
My credit rating is hurt because I don't have enough open accounts. Ridiculous. Still have in high 820's.