Retro check is in!


i won't bite
It says "first pay period of July" So that would be next week? July 4th is on a Thursday so July 5th, Friday? Or first full pay period in July, so the following week on the 11th?


Well-Known Member
Last time around, my retro check came on a Tuesday or Wednesday (at least it was dated as such). It was dated Two days or so prior to the regular Friday date. So don't assume you'll only get paid on a Friday.


Well-Known Member
Vacation fund 2020. Just returned from Italy today. Also went to Slovenia and Croatia. Thinking on Austria and Germany next year.

I live in a beautiful part of the good ole USA, but there are also very beautiful areas in other countries. Besides, it's amazing how affordable vacationing in small towns can be over that way.

As long as you make an attempt to communicate in their language, most will speak English to you.

Oh, wine. Don't forget the wine. I'm a beer and or blended whiskey guy, but the wine is simply amazing. And it's CHEAP!!!