Retro check

Sacrificial Lamb

Package Shepherd
I swear to God if I hear when’s the retro checks coming one more time…then you got hubrats telling me management is saying it’s coming this week, or it’s coming through direct deposit….knowing I’m going to tell them management doesn’t know :censored2: and why would you put your trust in them…. I reply—Mid October. I wish more of these :censored2:ing smoothbrains gave this much of a :censored2: about enforcing the contract on a daily basis.

I have NOT been lurking

Eat. Sleep. Work. Jork.
I swear to God if I hear when’s the retro checks coming one more time…then you got hubrats telling me management is saying it’s coming this week, or it’s coming through direct deposit….knowing I’m going to tell them management doesn’t know :censored2: and why would you put your trust in them…. I reply—Mid October. I wish more of these :censored2:ing smoothbrains gave this much of a :censored2: about enforcing the contract on a daily basis.
The 2018 one was bigly. This is just annoying. 2 weeks


Well-Known Member
Maybe they’re waiting for newly hired folks to get fired or quit so they don’t have to pay them?

We’ve lost a half dozen who should be entitled to that august pay. But they’re long gone having been fired or quit mid September.


Well-Known Member
Maybe they’re waiting for newly hired folks to get fired or quit so they don’t have to pay them?

We’ve lost a half dozen who should be entitled to that august pay. But they’re long gone having been fired or quit mid September.
They’ll still get that pay it’s legally owed to them


Well-Known Member
They’ll still get that pay it’s legally owed to them
Last contract, a few ex co workers had issues getting their larger retro checks ($800 plus) unless they were just pulling my leg and are lying

Time wise, the backpay accumulated from august 2018 to their last day in January 2019 and then the contract was ratified and retro checks came in July of 2019. That five month window/lull was an issue for many from what they’ve told me.


My Senior Picture
Last contract, a few ex co workers had issues getting their larger retro checks ($800 plus) unless they were just pulling my leg and are lying

Time wise, the backpay accumulated from august 2018 to their last day in January 2019 and then the contract was ratified and retro checks came in July of 2019. That five month window/lull was an issue for many from what they’ve told me.
Not even close...SMH