Maybe I should find this “hotel coffee shop”?So, can he go back to the hub?
Street hire. What job would he go back to? Could he be let go?
I was in a similar limbo. My Automotive job was eliminated by change of operations. There was no other job to go back to. They let us transfer to another building by local agreement. I was DQ'd as a pkg driver. I grieved it. They gave me another "try". I qualified. Saying that, I'm not sure what would have happened if I would have DQ'd again. Never got that far. Technically, I didn't have a job.......
BTW, I had a "fiery" Union Steward that was highly motivated and paid attention to what went on in our Center. I owe him much thanks. He knew exactly what was happening during my DQ.
To the OP: If "they" don't want you to won't. BTW, we had to have 5 days in a row "scratch" to qual.
BTW, Company worked me through peak while being DQ'd.....and still made me go to Panel. We never actually went before the Panel and a deal was cut(second chance) in the hotel coffee shop. The Panel was the first week in Jan. so it wasn't too long to wait. I will say, working Peak allowed me to learn all the tips and tricks of running scratch. Miles are huge. Taking every shortcut in the book. Picking up smalls. How to save time/make time. A lot of working off the clock to make things "look better". The other thing that saved me was I never had a "training route". My Steward noted this and said so. They just gave me some stops and a pickup run....made up. Never taking lunch....worked right through it. Paper time card said I was on meal....
Of course you learn and I NEVER do these things now. But I did what I had to do. I also submit, it shouldn't take all of this stuff to qualify.
I agree about learning all these “tricks”, a lot of them I wasn’t even aware of. I focused on being safe first, in hindsight, a mistake. Which is sad to say….Hell, I even followed and observed the guy running my route, in my own car, on the day they called me off. It helped, but not enough obviously.