Rolling Stone Sez Giuliani Worse Than Bush


Well-Known Member
Ne-con, Neo-con-, Neo-con..blah blah blah. Sounds like a broken record around here with that noise. The "truth and facts" aren't necessarily the issue. It's when the Liberal Media picks and choses ONLY content that supports their views and and ignoring other content that is the problem. Only reporting death and chaos in Iraq and not reporting the many good things that happen is a good example.

Sorry to say BIG A,but mostly death and chaos is a result in war that more so outweighs the positive.I watch muliple news casts and yes even FOX news reports mostly casulties in Iraq.Whatever happen to professional journalism?Now a days nothing but these politically motivated commentaters ex.........Oreily,hannity,Dobbs etc...blah,blah blah


Hears where we differ,any news agency that reports the truth and facts that doesn't support a far right rep view must be a malicious liberal media.Your militaristic analogy reveils this Far right mentality of solving and dealing the world's issue's with the barrel of a gun.What ever happened to the old school republicans(like Mr Ron Paul),it's time they come out of their bunkers and put the neo-con in their place.

No my militaristic comments highlight a tongue in cheek response. My point is however there has to be accountability with the press. Freedom of the press should not be a license to steal. I'd be willing to discuss a right wing slant on the truth if the right wing ever got contol of the major news networks. In todays world the liberals define a fair and balanced news source as right wing and everything to the left of that perspective as mainstream.


Well-Known Member

Three days of silence on this thread!!

I guess Gore can even shut up his own party!!:w00t:

With all that hot air he's a threat to his own made up global warming circus!!!:lol::lol::lol:

I guess Giuliani isn't that bad after all!!


Well-Known Member

Three days of silence on this thread!!

I guess Gore can even shut up his own party!!:w00t:

With all that hot air he's a threat to his own made up global warming circus!!!:lol::lol::lol:

I guess Giuliani isn't that bad after all!!

Giuliani.....uhmm....Lets count,3 choice...yankee fan.....will he even get support from all those hard line far right middle America Christian conservatives?

Yes,honorable job after 9-11 tradegy,but in the aftermath did Rudy profit??
After leaving office in 2001,he was worth a little less than 2 he's worth 30 times more plus???

Gore Beats Giuliani, Runs Better Than Any Declared Candidate in New Pennsylvania Poll
May 31 -- Even without campaigning for the 2008 presidential nomination, Al Gore runs far better than any of the declared Democrats against the Republican front runner in a new poll in Pennsylvania. Gore leads Giuliani 45 to 44 percent. By comparison, Giuliani leads Hillary Clinton 47 - 43 percent and Barack Obama 45 - 40 percent. Gore also moved up rapidly in the primary race poll. He's now second to Clinton in the state, while Obama dropped to third.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Giuliani would beat the pants off of Gore. Remember..Gore couldn't even win his own state (Tennessee, which is my state) in 2000 and he is definately less populur here now then he was then. I said Giuliani "would" beat him and not "WILL" because once Fred Thompson is into the mix he'll beat the pants off of both of them. :=)