Fuzzy Brown
Well-Known Member
You know all the good things about UPS, the insurance, pay, etc, it was all negotiated by the Teamsters if it were up to the company you wouldn’t have any of the benefits you enjoy.First off, I'm not posting this to debate the value of our union. If you love the union, I respect that.
I live in a RTW state, and I'm going to remove myself from the union for a couple of personal reasons. Our state law says that you can leave the union at any point after the contract that was in place when the state became a RTW state expires, including when that contract went under an extension. It also says that any attempt by the union to prevent a person from leaving is a felony and is punishable by a fine of up to $1,000.
In my situation, I have asked stewards about leaving over the last year. The canned answer is that I can't. They said there was a window of one week prior to our most recent contract in which we were allowed to leave. The union never mentioned this at any point to its members, and I know it's not legally true. Essentially, they are lying to keep keep me as a dues paying member, which as I said, is a potential felony. Now they are just blowing me off and refusing to answer my questions about what I need to formally do.
I have decided to send a certified letter stating my desire to leave. I fully expect the union to blow this off or create some other lie to wiggle out of it. This is why I already have a RTW attorney helping me.
My question is for anyone that has gone through this process, and what you experienced. Any advice you could provide would be greatly appreciated. My goal is to do this quickly and efficiently and not be drown into a childish situation that requires legal action and wasted time.
If you can live with being a gutless freeloader more power to you.