please also don't take my responses wrong
as a ups employee for 33 years, i saw a lot of things, some great, some about as low as you can get.
during those years, and several o friend them as shop steward, i tried to be a peace maker. listen to all sides, but stay neutral. you can usually tell what is said and done in jest, and what is not. as a shop steward, one thing we have to also do is prevent those that dont know better or are not thinking right, to keep them from losing their jobs.
and as such, you get pretty good at picking out the real issues from the bull. thats why i sometimes come down pretty hard on posters that claim they are the virgin mary, and the rest of the world is wrong. i miss once in awhile, but not too often
some times we do the job a bit too well, for those that cant seem to get the big picture
three times i helped drivers that quit while either on the clock, or prior to clocking in, keep their jobs. they had some suspension time, but kept their jobs. two have self destructed since and no longer work here
believe it or not, i have even gotten ups to allow some drivers to keep their jobs, that were caught falsifying records. but that was the exception to the rule.
while management varies from area to area, and era, i find that the majority i have dealt with to be fair and pretty compassionate when it comes to an employee losing their livelihood.
as a shop steward going, with you as an employee, to turn yourself into management and admitting you stole/attempted to steal, i might be able to save your job. maybe.
having lp catch you and you lying about it.......lucky for so many that ups only prosecutes less than 5%.........well then again, if the went after every one maybe the rest would get the picture?
not that long ago, my 3 year old daughter stole some gum while at the checkout at walmart. we found out in the parking lot. i made her go to the service desk and had them page the manager, buddy. in the meantime, i got to buddy first and explained to him what was going on, and told him to be tough on her.
poor buddy, within 2 minutes he was almost in tears as my daughter asked for his forgiveness, offered to pay for the candy with her own money, all the while promising never ever to take anything without paying for it again.
for years after, every time we were there, and she spied buddy, she would run up to him and hug him.
while that example is a bit juvenile in relation to this discussion, the principle remains. the only person that can damage your integrity and ethical conduct is you. and when you are faced with something you did that was wrong, better to turn yourself in than be busted by someone else.
that being said, ups does have employees that are very capable of showing up for work and going postal, and not talking only of fighting here.