Running scratch 5 days in a row or avg?


Well-Known Member
Have they changed the way you qualify? I know it's supposed to be 5 days in a row scratch. But a driver told me last week they now take an avg of you days to make 5 scratch days.
This guy,did not qualify!

brown bomber

brown bomber
looks like my car,...after being on FMLA, for 12 wks.,...there was also an unrepaired 12 inch gash along the roof line,..nobody noticed ??.....obviously there are different rules for the chosen ones (runners),...nobody charged, no questions asked


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
I never run scratch. Then again, they make up whacked out numbers and I really don't care. I give a fair day's work regardless.


Well-Known Member
Just found out today that you no longer have to run scratch 5 days in a row. But they take an avg of 10 days