Rush Limbaugh BS STyle

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I don't listen to Rush or Hanity too much, although I have conservative views..But I really like Neal Boortz,the talk show host out of Atlanta.He's very entertaining.He takes some shots at Republicans but mostly the libs...And by the way..Is there a reason why liberal talkshows do so poorly compared to the Big 3 or 4 conservative shows..And if you want some really deep stuff listen to the Savage Nation out of Ca......LOL

I used to like Savage alot but sometimes he is so damn rude to his callers. I still love the fact that he doesn't really hold back any punches. One thing is for sure...if you call to debate him you better have your facts straight. I've heard many liberals reduced to pulp because they didn't.

Bad Gas!

Well-Known Member
I used to like Savage alot but sometimes he is so damn rude to his callers. I still love the fact that he doesn't really hold back any punches. One thing is for sure...if you call to debate him you better have your facts straight. I've heard many liberals reduced to pulp because they didn't.

Very true...We don't get Savage in Atlanta anymore.I guess he was too strong..We now have a black conservative talk show host named Herman Cain from 7-10 p.m. who is pretty good.


Big arrow,

its amazing how much you have been conditioned think what you post.

I agree but unfortunately for you and I there are millions of Americans that don't see it our way. People like Diesel, Brownshark, etc. aren't the ones that worry me. Yeah sure, I wonder how they could possibly believe some of the crap they spew but they make up the core of the democrat voters and probably have been voting that way for years. It's the voters that vote based on personal situations that worry me. They don't have the ability to vote for a president that will be better for the country as a whole. Instead they are more concerned with their own personal situations. Their own personal follies. I can see it now. A family is sitting in their living room watching Obama talk to his sheep on television. All of his promises seem to be aimed directly at them because they bought a home last year that they could barely afford and signed up for an adjustable rate mortgage and the payments have gotten too high. On top of that they have maxed out their credit cards (again, buying things they can't afford) to purchase household items for their home. A new flat screen tv, appliances, furniture, etc., and also have kids to feed and clothe. And let's not forget the two car payments. They don't have health insurance because they claim they can't afford it. Well, they are right. They can't but they could have if they had laid off the impulse buying earlier. So here is Obama sounding like a savior making all of his promises. Gee....I wonder who the mother and father are going to vote for? These types of voters are what I call "Opportunist Voters." They, along with people that simply refuse to better themselves and become active members of society will always vote for a democrat because they are so obsessed with giving handouts. Rush, and any other right wing talk show host simply points out these facts and get's blasted for it by the left. So, it's just like they anger a liberal simply tell the truth.

This one is most troubling:
It's the voters that vote based on personal situations that worry me. They don't have the ability to vote for a president that will be better for the country as a whole.

In 2000 and 2004, crossover democrats voted for Bush because "they" thought he would be best for the country and not their personal interests.

Without them, Bush would have never won the election. Despite this fact, being better for the country as a "whole" just didnt play out.

Largest housing crisis in history, Largest credit crisis in history, Largest number of personal bancruptcies in history, Largest banking losses in history, Highest prices for food in US history, Highest priced for gasoline in history, largest increase in price for oil in the shortest period of time in history, highest price increases in the health care field, largest number of llegal aliens crossing the border (larger than reagan allowed), highest home energy prices in history, largest number of people classified in the poverty level in history, Highest federal budget deficit in the history of the USA, highest federal trade deficit in history, largest number of jobs outsourced in an 8 year period, highest foreclosure rate in the history of home loans and the largest military spending on a war in history of the USA and growing at $5000 a sec.

Now if you want to try and convince all of america that this was in the "best interests of the country as a whole" , then you need to pass out to us what it is youre smoking!

Now, we all can argue all day long about politics, but we will never get thru to each other, you are conditioned to believe what you hear, we are conditioned to believe what we research.

Ever ask yourself why there are more conservative talk radio shows than liberal radio shows?? A ratio of 25 to 1 to be exact.

Its simple, the conservatives believe there people are too dumb to hear something once and make it a conviction, they all believe they need to use the same talking points and terms everyday: Liberal, Left wing, radicals, progressives, far left extremists, drive by media and such....

Its like its listeners are too dumb to remember any of these comments so they have to be used over and over, but wait, is that the reason??

No it isnt, the reason those terms are used every minute of every radio day is so guys like you , brett and Tie can used them in their speech as well. Just go back and look at all your posts and count how many times you used those same terms...

Thats conditioning.

Diesel has spelled this out many times, yet you all post as if youre posting something original.

I realize your mind will never be changed and you would rather be put into a situation where you personally sacrifice (like higher fuel prices and higher food prices) just to remain loyal to your party.

This is what conditioning does. This is why there are so many conservative radio shows and especially channels like FOX Noise.

But heck, we are just wasting our breath on each other.

So, ill conclude with:



Well-Known Member
Very true...We don't get Savage in Atlanta anymore.

Yes you do. He's on at 10 pm after Cain. I listen sometimes because I get a kick out of his accent. I also like the fact that he was the only one standing up and shouting when the Texas officials were raiding the FLDS compound. I admire him for that courage and I also like a holisitc/natural approach in many areas of medicine and I enjoy when he discusses that since that is his background. When he goes off into a rant (everynight) that I don't care to listen, I turn the station to some good metal or jazz.
Big is right about callers but I've also heard him be very nice and polite too. Rarely I might add.:happy-very:

I remember Neal back in the 70's when he himself was a "liberal" LOL and his station manager was a John Bircher! BIG LOL! You think he talks about the Pig farmer. I liked Neal before he went national and talked about local issues too. Got tired of hearing about the FairTax so I rarely listen. Sean started out in Huntsville before getting a break here in Atlanta at WGST going head to head with Neal. Sean actually took Neal's place when he (Neal) bolted for WSB.

Neal helped Sean a ton more than is really known although Sean does admit that from time to time. From here it was to NY and the rest is history as they say. For those that hate Hannity, you can place a lot of blame on Neal Boortz.


Big arrow,

its amazing how much you have been conditioned think what you post.

This one is most troubling:

In 2000 and 2004, crossover democrats voted for Bush because "they" thought he would be best for the country and not their personal interests.

Without them, Bush would have never won the election. Despite this fact, being better for the country as a "whole" just didnt play out.

Largest housing crisis in history, Largest credit crisis in history, Largest number of personal bancruptcies in history, Largest banking losses in history, Highest prices for food in US history, Highest priced for gasoline in history, largest increase in price for oil in the shortest period of time in history, highest price increases in the health care field, largest number of llegal aliens crossing the border (larger than reagan allowed), highest home energy prices in history, largest number of people classified in the poverty level in history, Highest federal budget deficit in the history of the USA, highest federal trade deficit in history, largest number of jobs outsourced in an 8 year period, highest foreclosure rate in the history of home loans and the largest military spending on a war in history of the USA and growing at $5000 a sec.

Now if you want to try and convince all of america that this was in the "best interests of the country as a whole" , then you need to pass out to us what it is youre smoking!

Now, we all can argue all day long about politics, but we will never get thru to each other, you are conditioned to believe what you hear, we are conditioned to believe what we research.

Ever ask yourself why there are more conservative talk radio shows than liberal radio shows?? A ratio of 25 to 1 to be exact.

Its simple, the conservatives believe there people are too dumb to hear something once and make it a conviction, they all believe they need to use the same talking points and terms everyday: Liberal, Left wing, radicals, progressives, far left extremists, drive by media and such....

Its like its listeners are too dumb to remember any of these comments so they have to be used over and over, but wait, is that the reason??

No it isnt, the reason those terms are used every minute of every radio day is so guys like you , brett and Tie can used them in their speech as well. Just go back and look at all your posts and count how many times you used those same terms...

Thats conditioning.

Diesel has spelled this out many times, yet you all post as if youre posting something original.

I realize your mind will never be changed and you would rather be put into a situation where you personally sacrifice (like higher fuel prices and higher food prices) just to remain loyal to your party.

This is what conditioning does. This is why there are so many conservative radio shows and especially channels like FOX Noise.

But heck, we are just wasting our breath on each other.

So, ill conclude with:


LOL, another post where BS worries that conservative posters may be listening to conservative talk shows or channels.



Well-Known Member
LOL, another post where BS worries that conservative posters may be listening to conservative talk shows or channels.

And speaks as if these shows are the vast majority of the media... like its almost impossible to find an alternative.... let's see, there is a lot of conservatism on radio... tv has Fox and ........ wellllll....... Fox ... compared to CNN, MSNBC, CSPAN, BBC, PBS, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, Air America, Nova M, (forgetting some?)... but it's Fox that's the problem

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm "conditioned" to think Brownshark. Watching how far left democrats have performeded in state and federal governments has conditioned me to be a free thinking conservative. So, you right on the money with that accusation. Congrats. LOL!


Well-Known Member
In 2004 Washington state had a governor election. The Republican won...Democrats cried, said it was not fair, the election is too close, there must be a recount...In the recount the Republican won again...Democrats cried again, so they recounted it a third time and said this would be the last time...The Democrats were still complaining that a forth recount may be needed and were ready to go to court to get a 4th recount...After the 3rd recount of votes the Demorcat won by like 120 votes...Seems that Democrats scream foul until they get their way.

Bad Gas!

Well-Known Member
I see alot of bashing the conservatives for this country's problems but here is what's baffling to me...Libs-tell me how you are going to fix the problems.All I here is bashing..That don't get it with me...I kinda hoped the Dem.-controlled congress would solve some problems..Now we have have the least liked president with the least like congress.I think this is the worst era of politics ever..Niether side is very appealing to me....I just wish I didn't hate the Clinton,Gore Kerry gang so much.Power mongrels!


I see alot of bashing the conservatives for this country's problems but here is what's baffling to me...Libs-tell me how you are going to fix the problems.All I here is bashing..That don't get it with me...I kinda hoped the Dem.-controlled congress would solve some problems..Now we have have the least liked president with the least like congress.I think this is the worst era of politics ever..Niether side is very appealing to me....I just wish I didn't hate the Clinton,Gore Kerry gang so much.Power mongrels!

Our Congress today meaning currently, holds about as much power as a rubber stamp. When the founding fathers drafted the Constitution, the powers vested to each branch were worded strategically. Each branch was to serve as a checks n balances system to a different branch.
The founding fathers also believed that absolute power was too much for one man or one branch alone and that reasoning supports the checks n balances system.

The Constitution specifically outlines the powers and duties of each branch. The Executive Branch..which was given the LEAST amount of power also has the fewest duties. Serve as commander in chief over the military, recognize and receive foreign diplomats, deliver a state of the union address, appoint members of the Judicial Branch, and when necessary may call Congress into session. Now I'm not saying this is all he can do. There is obviously more language in the Constitution itself. I am just trying to give you an idea of what I'm speaking about.
The Legislative Branch..intended to be the most powerful Branch, has far more responsibility. They are the lawmakers/policy makers.
The Judicial Branch..Less power than Legislative..but more than Executive. Their job is to INTERPRET the laws and determine whether or not they are Constitutional.
So see how the checks n balances plays out?
Well the reason the Legislative Branch is pretty much name only is because when the Repubs controlled it, they allowed President Bush some wiggle room on Constitutional Law. Prime example..Presidential Signing Statements or in other words the power of line item veto. An absolute violation of Constitutional Law. Only Governors are allowed that luxury...BUT when Congress allowed it..and don't get me wrong..all past presidents have indulged, but to date President Bush has done far more than all of the past presidents combined.
So with this in mind we come to why if the Dems have control of Congress now, why haven't they done anything about Bush. Why would they? The Republicans set a precedent. The Executive Branch is extremely powerful..more now than EVER in history. If they impeach Bush it weakens the Exec Branch. So their strategy is to leave as is and pray for a Dem to nab the presidency.

Now as far as the state of our country. While I don't believe Bush's performance has been stellar (I don't think anyone could honestly say that) he is not to blame for our decline. Economists will tell you that the rise and fall of the economy is historical..and will repeat. The economy was already on the way down at the end of Clinton's term. History also shows economic downturns at times of war. Why it's such an issue is because we are so reliant on the creature comforts..anytime something throws a monkey wrench into the game..we go crazy and start pulling money off the stock market..etc...

Bottomline is this, while I don't always agree with who is in power, the point is they are the one in power. If "we the people" don't get educated on more important issues besides the same ones recycled over and over, we will continue to elect and allow politicians to run OUR government as they see fit, not in the best interest of the public.

Ok. End of novel. And be nice guys..I've had a rough (3 tornados in 3 days)