Jared (along with Brad Pascale)figured he was pretty smart about the cyber.
Jared and tRUmp both needed money to maintain lifestyles.
They hoped to build their brand and grift, as was customary. Winning was the last thing on their minds.
They underestimated the stupidity of Americans and the power of really good propaganda.
Deals were made and Manafort was taped, as he should be. As the esteemed
@floridays pointed out, you don’t ask questions you don’t already know the answer to. His partner, Gates, lied in his proffer, and his lawyers fired him that day. Now he’s flipped.
I wonder what would happen if we had a special prosecutor for every billionaire?
A chicken in every pot? Everyone driving Dodge Rams/Chargers? Probably a Tesla and SoylentGreen.