I don't want to offend anyone here, but here I go. If you want to see the problem with entitlements, walk through a grocery store, thats not one of the nicer ones, around the beginning of the month. Sorry to say, but we have people from Katrina still living in hotels paid for by taxpayers, getting money and a price of plastic to swipe on our dime. That's just one example. Don't get me started on the generational welfare recipients. Or, the SSI debacle.
I would say, dont get us started

. I watch the same thing, and I live near a campground and on the 1st of every month, should I go to the local store. I am in line behind EVERYONE who can buy the best beer, while I buy Miller High life lite. (but I love it) While I take the time to use coupons and shop wisely, these people are buying THE BEST steaks, Ribs and chips, ice cream, pop, candy bars, even ice is covered. They do not worry what the total would be or if they got the best deal. Dont you think they should worry? Why are only the productive told, they have to cut back? Im having burgers on the grill to celebrate my day away from work. Why doesnt everyone have to cut back? I have no problem with tightening up on spending, I guess I dont really have to yet, but Im worried about the future. What if I get sick or hurt and cant work? I can only depend on my self. Been there done it, no fun.
If the prices raise dramatically, they will get an increase in entitlements. Ill get told to suck it up. I see so much abuse, it makes me ill.
Now the woman rushing home from work, picking up her kids, buying a gal of milk, using her card. Not a problem, thats how it was designed.
The lowlifes, who have not yet learned to put a shirt, and shoes on to go in the store, and to put out your cigarette before you do, who smell like yesterdays cigarettes, buying 100 bucks worth of food and goodies for the weekend get drunk holiday, thats the problem.