S&P Cuts US Credit Rating to AA+


Well-Known Member
And you are probably dead right - getting rid of ALL Bush tax cuts probably would save 10 Trillion over a 10 year period, and not just $1 Trillion from the rich.

Just a little FYI, but every income bracket received a tax break under the Bush tax cuts. All tax brackets were lowered, child tax credit was doubled, and under the original bush tax cut deal the death tax was to be phased out completely. Maybe its just me, but perhaps you should focus a little harder on handling wieners and spend less time discussing topics well out of your realm of understanding.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Thanks TEA PARTY, you took the argument TOO FAR.You screwed all americans tonight. 8/5/11Americans will remember this. The republicans will run for cover all weekend.Peace.
Blaming the Tea Party is about as dumb a move as one can make. How about blaming your jack wagon liberals in congress for racking up record debt in record time instead of those that were actually fighting for debt reduction? Who am I kidding right? It's not like liberals have the common sense to realize that.


Für Meno :)
Here is some more info :
From every American dollar - 15 cents is raised from Tax revenues, however 24 cents is government spending. Meaning the government spends 62.5% more then it gets in revenues.

So, the Tea Party thinks it can reduce spending by 62.5% and won't and doesn't need to raise revenues.

Honestly, I can see Military being slashed by 62.5%, putting ofcourse millions more out of work, and collecting even less in tax revenues (there is no more money left to do "solo wars with 41 Island Nations") , but cutting SS and Medicare by 62.5%... I really can't see that.

The Tea Party put Obama on a spot... Cut $4 Trillion from Medicare, SS, Military and wherever else you can get it from.
That forsure would have ended any tiny chance of Obama and the democrats being re-elected in 2012. And that was the Tea Party's goal. Of course the GOP played along with them.

As far as I know, Obama won this childish game, and came out as a winner, compared to the Tea Party or GOP.
And, as previous noted, if (a big if), the GOP wins in 2012, you'll see how fast they turn around and demand tax hikes, and not only cuts !

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Just a little FYI, but every income bracket received a tax break under the Bush tax cuts. All tax brackets were lowered, child tax credit was doubled, and under the original bush tax cut deal the death tax was to be phased out completely. Maybe its just me, but perhaps you should focus a little harder on handling wieners and spend less time discussing topics well out of your realm of understanding.

Maybe Klein will buy a Chevy Volt and hook his Weiner cart to it.:funny:


Für Meno :)
Maybe Klein will buy a Chevy Volt and hook his Weiner cart to it.:funny:

BTW: Did you read that GM is now the biggest Automobile Seller worldwide now ?
Yup, should have let them go BK..... so VW or Toyota could have claimed that title.

Oh, and for your info, try googeln how much a hotdog vendor earns.
And keep in mind, my lowest price is $3.75 for a dog.... $1.25 for a can of pop or bottle of water.
$2.50 for a cup of coffee.

You might just get a bit jelous ! (Esspecially when you check out what they earn during special events)
Last edited:


golden ticket member
BTW: Did you read that GM is now the biggest Automobile Seller worldwide now ?
Yup, should have let them go BK..... so VW or Toyota could have claimed that title.

Oh, and for your info, try googeln how much a hotdog vendor earns.
And keep in mind, my lowest price is $3.75 for a dog.... $1.25 for a can of pop or bottle of water.
$2.50 for a cup of coffee.

You might just get a bit jelous ! (Esspecially when you check out what they earn during special events)

Toyota collapsed when they had the record # of recalls that are still happening today......then the tsunami interrupted things too.

"I make more money than you", is childish crap. Grow Up !!!


Für Meno :)
Toyota collapsed when they had the record # of recalls that are still happening today......then the tsunami interrupted things too.

"I make more money than you", is childish crap. Grow Up !!!

They make fun out of a wiener wagon, so, why can't I once defend myself ? I'm very, very happy with what I'm doing. The most Fun-job I ever had in my life !
It rocks, it totally rocks !

Lue C Fur

Evil member
They make fun out of a wiener wagon, so, why can't I once defend myself ? I'm very, very happy with what I'm doing. The most Fun-job I ever had in my life !
It rocks, it totally rocks !

Can you now drink on the job while selling tube steaks?


Für Meno :)
Can you now drink on the job while selling tube steaks?

Why do you ask that ? It doesn't belong on this thread. If you want to ask questions go to the "dizzee logo" page.

I'm not getting blamed for kidnapping this thread away, again, sorry.


Well-Known Member
The Tea Party put Obama on a spot... Cut $4 Trillion from Medicare, SS, Military and wherever else you can get it from. That forsure would have ended any tiny chance of Obama and the democrats being re-elected in 2012. And that was the Tea Party's goal. Of course the GOP played along with them. As far as I know, Obama won this childish game, and came out as a winner, compared to the Tea Party or GOP.
The Tea Party's goal was to cut a reasonable amount, in fact the Tea Party plan of Cut, Cap and balance was the only plan the S&P said would keep it from downgrading. Obama wanted the crisis that's why he never came up with a plan. Obama wants people to rely on government for handouts so he can ultimately control the destruction of this country. Your blinding, lying spin is the same rhetoric you can get from Obama himself, and most of the ignorant liberal media pundits. America loses because of Obama's incompetence....2012 Debt man (Obama) walking. Then we can get on with the business of digging out of a wasted 4 years in hell.
"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's
debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US
Government can not pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend
on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our
Government's reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America's debt
weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that,
'the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad
choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has
a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."
Why do you ask that ? It doesn't belong on this thread. If you want to ask questions go to the "dizzee logo" page.

I'm not getting blamed for kidnapping this thread away, again, sorry.
Sorry..you asked for the blame of highjacking when ypu posted the second and third paragraphs in post # 166.
If you want to defend your self go to the dizzee logo page.


Für Meno :)
The Tea Party's goal was to cut a reasonable amount, in fact the Tea Party plan of Cut, Cap and balance was the only plan the S&P said would keep it from downgrading. Obama wanted the crisis that's why he never came up with a plan. Obama wants people to rely on government for handouts so he can ultimately control the destruction of this country. Your blinding, lying spin is the same rhetoric you can get from Obama himself, and most of the ignorant liberal media pundits. America loses because of Obama's incompetence....2012 Debt man (Obama) walking. Then we can get on with the business of digging out of a wasted 4 years in hell.

How many times did Obama ask for a balanced approach ?
Cut Spending and raise taxes !

Nobody on the right wanted to listen and they walked out 5 times during the meetings !

If you truley think big cuts are needed and the only way to get out of this financial mess, then you better be prepared for much higher unemployment, no more spending on infrastucture, even though it's really needed, and cuts to the elderly in form of reductions in medicare and SS.

And nevermind less tax revenue due to higher unemployment and more spending due to more on the unemployment payroll.
Why you can't agree, or any of the republicans, that a balanced approach would be much better, wonders me !


Well-Known Member
Quote: Sen. B.O. 0bama
Can anyone say hypocrite? This of course is the same Senator Obama that voted against raising the debt ceiling then. Why can't people see through this guy's smoke and mirrors? Oh I know, it's because he's a smooth talker, like a used car salesman.


Staff member
Can anyone say hypocrite? This of course is the same Senator Obama that voted against raising the debt ceiling then. Why can't people see through this guy's smoke and mirrors? Oh I know, it's because he's a smooth talker, like a used car salesman.
are you really that naive? This is politics afterall.


golden ticket member
They make fun out of a wiener wagon, so, why can't I once defend myself ? I'm very, very happy with what I'm doing. The most Fun-job I ever had in my life !
It rocks, it totally rocks !

Being successful is the best revenge.....no words necessary.