Sadly- Covid-19


Inordinately Right
Devin Nunes (R). It's a great time to go out. Not very busy. Go to your local pub. March 15th.
Apples and oranges.

Devin Nunes' counties have 303 cases and 10 deaths. How is New York doing, about 5000 dead so far?

You've just made a great case for why Democrats calling for a national shut down is ridiculous. Rolling targeted restrictions on the state level is a much more sensible approach.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Apples and oranges.

Devin Nunes' counties have 303 cases and 10 deaths. How is New York doing, about 5000 dead so far?

You've just made a great case for why Democrats calling for a national shut down is ridiculous. Rolling targeted restrictions on the state level is a much more sensible approach.
Can't do as much economic destruction that way.


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
The biggest problem with ignorance is that it takes intelligence to recognize it.

Therefore, the stupid people continue thinking they are smart. There is a name for this effect, but I'll let you google it.


If your family catches the Chinese Virus how will you ever forgive yourself?

I sincerely hope his family does not catch the TRUMP virus!

Apples and oranges.

Devin Nunes' counties have 303 cases and 10 deaths. How is New York doing, about 5000 dead so far?

You've just made a great case for why Democrats calling for a national shut down is ridiculous. Rolling targeted restrictions on the state level is a much more sensible approach.

Yes, let's wait until a disease that has a 5 day incubation period, begins to cripple a state's hospital system before we act. Oh wait, that's exactly what tRump did!


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
It would be interesting to see these death numbers overall vs those with previous high risk medical conditions.


Inordinately Right
Yes, let's wait until a disease that has a 5 day incubation period, begins to cripple a state's hospital system before we act. Oh wait, that's exactly what (D) Deblasio did!
fixed it for you


Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
I don't have any. Nobody has breached my 6ft barrier, and I have three cargo pockets that contain lysol, clorox wipes, and hand sanitizer respectively. I'm good.

It's everybody else's family that I'm worried about. I'm being safe.

It's the relatives of the dummies that I'm worried about. That's almost all of you.
If you’re not wearing a condom over your head, you’re not safe.