Sarah Palin- The gift that keeps on giving!


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
When the choice is idiot versus super idiot, you vote for the idiot.


Engorged Member
Old photoshop is relevant how?

Because Sarah is an attention whore, who has only gotten as far as she has because she is physically attractive and spouts the moronic phrases that Right Wingers love. She is demonstrably stupid, ill-informed, not well-read, and ignorant. In other words, completely unqualified for high office of any kind. She will say whatever she needs to in order to make a buck, and will undoubtedly make noises about running for President in 2016. Again, more money for Sarah because some rich Republican will pay her NOT to run and make the GOP clown circus even more of a joke than it already has become. Piyush "Call Center" Jindal is in now. How soon before Trump and the rest of the effing morons who are your party "leaders" decide to announce?

Hillary isn't anywhere near perfect, but compared to what you've got? Come on..