Has anyone filed a grievance for dispatch controlling your route Monday-Wednesday and then making you work 9.5 days on Thursday and Friday knowing you can't file for the actual violation?
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I'm out in California. They won't allow me to work over 9.5 at all....
Its actually wonderful. I think they figure I can't live without the overtime. For awhile they offered me 8 hours and even under 6 hour days. I took everyone and said thank you. This year I changed centers in the building and told them I was a 9.5 guy three weeks of 9.5 grievances and these guys panic everyday if I'm near 9...,
Our local has dealt with this issue of heavy on Thursday Friday. But in the end our ED was set up so poorly the dispatch sups struggle and fail often early in the week so you are golden by Thursday.
Just this week our early am drivers were told to get off by 9.5 from their early start time......lasted 2 days.
Our safety co chair was told to get off the 9.5 list or quit the co-chair. He quit an snow the mgr is eating crow....