Think Its time for a new steward.
Been mentioned in circles. I'm a short timer. I worry about being able to walk , when I finally walk out the door. Complainers don't lead. Just blame others.[/quote]
Anybody else,willing to step up?
Think Its time for a new steward.
Been mentioned in circles. I'm a short timer. I worry about being able to walk , when I finally walk out the door. Complainers don't lead. Just blame others.
Like all your coworkers would vote for you even if you did want to? lmaoI have never said that I want to get more involved in the union.
Whenever I see a non union trucker and he looks like a slob is rude and cuts me off at the last minute throws a bottle of yellow trucker tea or drives one of this rigs that you eat sleep andAm I my brother's keeper?
I guess it's open to interpretation.
That doesn't sound like a good steward at all.Our shop steward shows up 1 minute before start unless he is asked to come in earlier to discuss grievances or for training. He could come in a bit earlier and have an informal meeting to address any concerns or relay any information from the BA. I like this idea.
That sounds like a scab to me.I agree. Our Stewart works 6-7 days a month. Comes in for bagels on Friday's
That doesn't sound like a good steward at all.
It's good to meet you Stewart.I'm not a Stewart, but people know I know the contract and go to meetings, so I make myself available to anyone and speak with the Stewart frequently.
Bad. Did you hear about what happened to him this morning? you spoken to Tony? How is he doing this morning?
Bad. Did you hear about what happened to him this morning?
It's awful.Yes----I asked the question knowing full well what the answer was.
There is more on this tragedy in the Car and Bike thread.
Have you spoken to Tony? How is he doing this morning?
Is a scab just a name for a non union employee OR an employee of either form (non union or union and/or non union that crosses a picket line) ?
I know the answer , but for shyts and giggles , some of my coworkers don't . Just seeking unbiased clarification from outside source's .
And judging by some of the headers I see posted , alot of folks need educating on everything from :What is a Union to Cardinal sins . Reading some of the headers are just entertaining to say the least .
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Comments like this is why people have issues with you.So you like to talk the talk but are worried you may be unable to walk the walk.
The word you are looking for is 'freerider'.By definition a scab is someone that crosses a picket line. However, on this site many refer to non-union hourly employees as scabs too. I'm guessing that they only exist in RTW states. Personally I wish there was another name for them. Some "scabs" are new part-timers and I don't blame them for not joining right away. But the rest deserve their own title. "Scab" should be reserved for those that cross a picket line. During the 97 strike there was only one driver that crossed here and they were a union member.
The word you are looking for is 'freerider'.