Sean O’Brien

Drink Craft Beer

Well-Known Member
Neil asks Sean if this is a good time to go on strike “those poor people won’t get their packages”.

Hey Neil, this is the perfect time. Amazon has the ball in their court. All they have to do is negotiate in good faith. Why is it always the workers? fault when they’re trying to gain representation? When would be good time? The last two years they’ve been trying And Amazon has purposely drug their feet?
Neil announced his retirement at the end of that show, he'd been there 28yrs. Said he's not leaving journalism though.



BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Tough Guy Action Figure! Jacked and ready to react!



Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Leveling the the disparity between pension plans is not theft of contributions.

The Central did most of the “heavy lifting” and suffered the most from

deregulation of the trucking industry.
I don’t disagree, my fund in New England was screwed too. I just like messing with Wally, 🤣