That’s Craptacular
No, I understand why people felt bad for her and donated point is (assuming it actually happened) if I were the waitress, I wouldn't feel right pocketing monetary donations over something like that.It wasn't just the tip----it was what was supposedly written on the receipt as the reason for not leaving a tip that led to the donations. I mean, who writes that on a receipt? I guess someone looking to take advantage of a situation by slandering an innocent couple and defrauding all those stupid enough (including me) to have fallen for her story.
What kind of person does this? The same type of person who claims that one of their children has cancer.
As far as what kind of person lies about something like this? Someone with serious psychological issues. There was a young woman from NY a year or two ago....a heroin addict. She went around to local businesses....claimed she had cancer and lost her job...and couldn't afford treatment...a convincing sob story. A bunch of businesses donated money. One even sponsored a fund raising event for her....she stole hundreds of thousands of dollars to feed her habit. It's twisted...the kinds of things people will say and do for attention or monetary gain.