More,you made me LOL"FLASH" !!
More,you made me LOL"FLASH" !!
[-]what[/-] WHO did you smuggle back this time ?
I already have healthcare, BECAUSE I WORK!!!Once you start paying your own share of $1200 per mth on US healthcare per single person, then we can chat !
I already have healthcare, BECAUSE I WORK!!!![]()
Seriously dude, if all you can think about is cigs and booze/beer, you have a problem. Please get help.
Okay, where do I even begin?Sorry, but what happened in Cuba stays damm in Cuba !
But, got a whole bunch of young new girls on my facebook from it all
I'll upload a few pics once I recover a little from it all (just got back from a very long trip, with overnight stay at another airport inbetween, too).
And yes, I was the most popular person at the huge resort, once again.
My name was called out loud everywhere I was or showed up to be.
Been told over and over, again, that I couldn't go, what will all these people do without you !
Awesome vacation, and got "lucky", too !![]()
You can't spoil my good mood. The people I left behind there are probably still chatting about me and missing me.
And, I know who I am !
You sure don't !
That's the spirit.
So how was the food? Any special Cuban dish we should try?
Sorry, but what happened in Cuba stays damm in Cuba !
But, got a whole bunch of young new girls on my facebook from it all
Roman Polanski gave you a "like".
I'll upload a few pics once I recover a little from it all (just got back from a very long trip, with overnight stay at another airport inbetween, too).
And yes, I was the most popular person at the huge resort, once again.
My name was called out loud everywhere I was or showed up to be.
Sorry but "Idiota" is not spanish for "Klein"
Been told over and over, again, that I couldn't go, what will all these people do without you !
Uhm, not be enthralled by your tales of the Imperialist American Nation?
Awesome vacation, and got "lucky", too !
It`s not luck if they take cash.
To be honest, I don't even know what made me so special and popular there. I haven't figured that out, yet.
Maybe, once I see the pics I took ? LOL
Klein, have u et to realize?, u are the most interesting man in the world!!!
I think I was at the right place, right time, and in the right mood. It was just perfect, every single surrounding and aspect of that trip (besides the long flights, which I mistakenly got away with taking a full cold beer onto the plane, holding it in my hands, after buying a couple at the airport, and I even got to drink it, right after takeoff ).
And still another incident where u failed to realize that the beer was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Will u ever learn?
Klein, I heard that Cuba gave u the boot because ur viewpoints were too socialist for them.
cachsux, like I said before.
Was the best vacation of my life time.
Gee, just going into the pool some young girls I never seen before, asked me if I was "Klein".
That was the hookers friend...think about it.
I asked why were they asking, they said they just wanted to know.
Amazing what super poor people will do for a dollar.
Those same girls at me later at night at the bar, if they can take a picture with me. I said sure, as long as I get to use my cam for a second pic.
Like I said, awesome time !
And no one can ever take that away from me.
You still have a memory after the "Likor" induced coma you have been in?
To be honest, I don't even know what made me so special and popular there. I haven't figured that out, yet.
Money is an amazing thing isnt it...and in super poor countries where people are not allowed to leave or cant afford to leave...they will do anything for money.
Maybe, once I see the pics I took ? LOL
Thats scary.
I wished I would have stayed atleast 2 weeks now. I hated leaving all those great people (tourists & staff), behind, and still think of them.
Your fellow communist friends, alcholics, and hookers...great people for sure.
I think I was at the right place, right time, and in the right mood.
You mean the "Likor" induced coma?
It was just perfect, every single surrounding and aspect of that trip (besides the long flights, which I mistakenly got away with taking a full cold beer onto the plane, holding it in my hands, after buying a couple at the airport, and I even got to drink it, right after takeoff ).
Alcholics do that...they forget about all the booze...dont forget that AA is the way.
The trip was kind of fun all around.
What you can remember of course.
Think again ?
Which country is socialist ? :
1) That gives you free medicare in any ER room, with never having to pay for it, in any way, shape or form ?
Its paid for by me...cause i have a job...do you have a job? Sucking off your fellow citizens...
2) That lets you go to war at 18 years of age, but won't allow them inside a bar or liquor store.
You can go to a bar or "Likoir" store...just cant buy or drink...unless your overseas. Not that big of an inssue unless you have a drinking problem...hint...hint. AA is calling.
3) That anyone can get social assistance, regardless of being a citizen or not.
In an earler post you said:
Originally Posted by klein
Thats because most of the rightwingers think illegals don't work and get all freebies, but in fact it's the opposite.
They work, but they can't get any handouts.
4) Offers free ambulance service for those that can't pay
They dont ask if you have money first...they find out later and get the shaft. But really...should you deny a person that is injured and about to die a ride to the ER? LOL
5) Never charges enough taxes and goes further and further into debt
Too much tax is charged...need to control govt and ship the freeloaders to Canada. The solution is not to just raise tax but to cut out all the BS.
6) Likes to control the world
Nope...thats your Hero Obama.
7) Must always carry ID
Smart people do that.
8) Must take shoes off when boarding a plane
Some people like to put bombs in their shoes. I like the extra security.
9) Can't get into a concert or sports venue without airport type security
See above...duh!!!
10) Can't fly to Cuba, period, from within the country !!!!!
Some people dont like to give communist govts money. Ask the those Cubans that risk thier lives to come to America why they came here.
All those goodies above, belong to free non socialist democratic USA !!!!!
Hey look...Klein bashing America...what a shocker.
Good for you !
Keep up with your great imagination of being the "free" !
Lucy..., do you really think there are ordinary Cubans staying in 5 star western-like resorts there ?
It was all Canadians !
(besides the Cuban staff).
Awesome vacation, and got "lucky", too !![]()