Browncafe Steward
What do you know about the apwa? Thats a great question!What do you know regarding the APWA? If it is heresay from the Teamsters or anyone else, then do the research yourself. The APWA is offering a way out of the mess that the Teamsters created. The APWA has a plan, the Teamsters do not. Everyone will benefit under this plan, but the younger drivers will gain the most under the Apwa, and will lose the most under the Teamsters. This is not difficult to understand.
We know that tom coleman is their lead attorney!
We know that 5 guys showed up at their atlanta rally!
We know that van and danny are self appointed leaders!
We know that they have never negioated a contract!
We know that they are promising us the world with no proven track record!
We know that their intention is to decertify the teamsters and leave us with no union!
What we dont know is where is all the money coming from?