Show us the money APWA


Browncafe Steward
What do you know regarding the APWA? If it is heresay from the Teamsters or anyone else, then do the research yourself. The APWA is offering a way out of the mess that the Teamsters created. The APWA has a plan, the Teamsters do not. Everyone will benefit under this plan, but the younger drivers will gain the most under the Apwa, and will lose the most under the Teamsters. This is not difficult to understand.
What do you know about the apwa? Thats a great question!

We know that tom coleman is their lead attorney!
We know that 5 guys showed up at their atlanta rally!
We know that van and danny are self appointed leaders!
We know that they have never negioated a contract!
We know that they are promising us the world with no proven track record!
We know that their intention is to decertify the teamsters and leave us with no union!
What we dont know is where is all the money coming from?


Well-Known Member
Where you planning on answering the serious question or just keep dodging the questions and showing numbers that you have to be an accountant to figure out. Right now your no better than the teamsters your accusing of the same!
Once again, I need to know what the serious question is before I am able to give an answer. I am showing you the numbers from the annual reports, so that you can see where the problems are coming from. You don't have to be an accountant or a genius to understand the numbers. I have even explained the direction that we are headed in, but some of you are so close-minded that you refuse to believe the truth even when it is taken directly from the annual that Central States puts out yearly. I am not fabricating these facts and figures, but only presenting it in a way that even the simple minded can understand. When the Teamsters tell you something, you believe it as fact without even bothering to verify anything.


Well-Known Member
What do you know about the apwa? Thats a great question!

We know that tom coleman is their lead attorney!
We know that 5 guys showed up at their atlanta rally!
We know that van and danny are self appointed leaders!
We know that they have never negioated a contract!
We know that they are promising us the world with no proven track record!
We know that their intention is to decertify the teamsters and leave us with no union!
What we dont know is where is all the money coming from?
The bottom line is what we don't know about the way the Teamsters are mismanaging our pension money. Where does 120million dollars annually go that the Teamsters are claiming administration fees?
The Teamsters have had many years to negotiate contracts and they still can't get it right. The best contract ever turned out to be one of the worst contracts ever as had to endure cuts in our pension and health and welfare. While we are hit with cuts the BA's are receiving huge pay raises. The Teamsters have a track record, but it is a negative one. They have a track record for corruption, misuse of funds, payoffs, etc.... I would rather start anew than to stick with an entity such as the corrupt Teamsters.


Well-Known Member
Where is your money coming from? Didn't yall claim total transparency? Who is financing APWA then? I know it isn't coming strictly from UPSers who have joined so don't even feed me that crap. Yall appear to renting a lot of spaces and hiring security thugs to throw out anyone with legitimate questions. 5 whole people showing up in Atlanta can't be a good sign on the overall membership. Would the financing be form organizations like:

Center for Union Facts?
[SIZE=-1]Adams, Nash, Haskell & Sheridan?[/SIZE]
Union Free America?
Berman and Company?
Coalition for a Democratic Workplace? etc............

Maybe some other anti-union or non-union corporations? How about UPS?
How many people show up to your Teamster union hall meetings? Not too many because you have nothing to say.


Browncafe Steward
We know what we have with the teamsters, what we dont know is where the money for the apwa is coming from, please do tell!


Go big orange
This thread is about APWA and there financing. You obviouvisly cannot answer any questions nor stay on subject. Only point fingers at other things that has nothing to do with the subject at hand.