Slavery is still alive and growing within the USA


Well-Known Member
House Approves Farmworker Amnesty, Promotes Visa Workers over Americans

Nearly all House Democrats, plus a group of 34 Republicans, voted Wednesday to approve an amnesty for illegal farmworkers.

The bill, H.R. 5038, would likely amnesty more than a million illegal aliens, and it also subsidizes farm companies that hire more H-2A visa workers instead of hiring Americans.
Those subsidies for hiring foreign H-2A workers include rules to cut the H-2A workers’ pay below the expected 2020 rates, plus massive housing subsidies for the migrant workers. The biggest subsidy, however, is that employers will be allowed to dangle the prize of Americans’ citizenship to H-2A migrants who agree to work at low wages for long hours in harsh conditions.
There is no cap on the number of H-2A migrant workers who can be imported into the United States.
The subsidies for hiring H-2As will also discourage farm companies from buying the American-made farm machinery that reduces the need for farmworkers.

Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib did not vote.


Well-Known Member
Vastly different...NYC and surrounding is the neurotic city lifestyle, while upstate is trailer park trash. May as well be different states

The racially sterile 55+ community that I live in is hardly trailer park trash but you are right in that Upstate and Downstate may as well be two different states.