Sloppy Steve vs #worstpresidentever. Who wins?


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Obviously going for the ball.

Which one? Who knows?


Retired 23 years
The whole political climate is a comedy show. It's goes way deeper than just Trump. I've gotten to the point that I don't even feel like voting anymore. Even someone decent seems to forget what they were for when they ran. Politics brings out the worst in people.


Staff member
gonna be more then one election year. You libs now perform medical diagnosises from afar. this will now sadly be the standard that will be applied in future political battles.

all because the snowflakes cant accept that they lost.
Party of Trump. Wear it proudly.


Staff member
don't think you read what I said. you guys created the diagnosis from afar. its a boomerang that will come back at you many times.
I haven't been commenting on any diagnosis. Maybe it's you with the reading comprehension problem.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
Video of recent legislative negotiations leaked, but it's not what you think. Entrenched bureaucrats are fuming that the deplorables are running the show.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
His taste in women did improve as he aged. So maybe he is smarter now. I'm not condoning the trifecta, its one of my disappointments with the man. He seems to be able to break old contracts in lieu of a better deal.