Tea anyone ?
UK...I've been reading your posts for the last couple weeks. I'm starting to agree with Tie: you are a loose cannon! I really wish the union didn't have to fight for the loose cannons, lazies and other unmotivated hourlies, particularly when they friend*ckup! Sadly, that's not gonna happen. -Rocky
Ok Rocky lets get one thing straight here , the union didnt do any fighting for me at all , not a god dam thing . It turns out that I got my job back because of a clerical error on ups `s side. I can thank Tie Guy indirectly for the tools that I used to secure my own job. He stated in a post that if I had nor received a termination letter then I could argue I had never been terminated as it turned out after reading the western suppliment if UPS fails to send the termination letter via regesterd mail within 10 days to myself and my local that the termination is its self voided. I suppose next you will wish that the union didnt have to fight for women, minorities people and from the bad part of denver. Or maybe just anyone that doesnt fit into your criteria on any particular day.
I cant belive the level of ignorance that I see on this web site, I think I`m going to change my name to loose cannon just to keep all you haters happy and not have to read your crap. Rocky my mind was made up about you when you sent me that bull shti post about not having a problem with me confrunting you on any topics , what the hell makes you think that i give a shti about your opinion or if you have a problem with what I say ,I dont give a rats ass about your outdated bias opinions. and the story abou,t the nice old woman in the store getting in your line made me almost puke. live a little dude broaden your horizons hell take the walk through deepest darkest Denver maybe you`ll learn something about diversity or culture hell you might even lose your virginity, maybe to a minority with tattoos . I doubt it though ,lol, more likely you will just get beat up.
If speaking your mind , dareing not to blend in ,standing up for what you belive in accepting everyone as a human regardless of Tats,color creed misfortune sexual preference religion or what part of town they are from ,trying to get the most out of each day and haveing some fun at the same time , bringing some cheer into this world and not giving a dam about insignificent peoples opinions of me makes me guilty of being a loose cannon then lock me up and throw away the key ! Go learn about life kid ,theres more to it than UPS and Brown Cafe .
no offence to brown cafe meant . only to the little piss ant that thinks he`s got me figured out.