socialized healthcare


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.

im gonna say it again: solely relying on employers to provide your healthcare may restrict a worker who otherwise wishes to find better work

These are decisions that grown-ups have to make in a FREE country.

Imagine being determined, courageous, intelligent and old enough to to able to handle all these decisions and more that FREE people have to face every day.

I wouldn't expect a SOCIALIST brat like you to understand.


Well-Known Member
I am all for equality of opportunities.

What I am not for is equality of results.

I should not have to pay for other people's laziness, stupidity or poor decisions that they have made.
Do you ever think about what you say, or wonder how many times you contradict yourself in one post?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Do you ever think about what you say, or wonder how many times you contradict yourself in one post?
That post got 2 "agrees" and 2 "winners" and a "like".

Trolls must not understand common sense statements.

Now run on back to you troll hut.


Well-Known Member
my bro is in the trauma unit right now after being shot 1x and stabbed (more likely cut) roughly 12x, got operated on to get the bullet out of his chest. paid $0.

in my province, we have free choice of hospital and doctor, and we are billed up to $75 / mth i believe for healthcare, depends on your income. if you are really poor you pay nothing. i think in every other province, it is included in the taxes.

shows at the bottom of this graph:


Well-Known Member
So this is how state healthcare works.

Three days after we exposed Shkreli as the callous former hedge fund manager responsible for raising the price of Daraprim from $13.50 to $750 a pill, Shkreli announced on September 22, that he would lower the price of the life-saving medication in the next few weeks. Before Shkreli secured the exclusive rights to sell Daraprim, the drug only cost about $1 per tablet.

During an interview with NBC News over three weeks ago, Shkreli stated, “Yes it is absolutely a reaction — there were mistakes made with respect to helping people understand why we took this action, I think that it makes sense to lower the price in response to the anger that was felt by people.”

But in a recent interview with Business Insider, Shkreli momentarily let the truth slip out when the heartless CEO rhetorically asked, “There have been hundreds of companies that have raised [their drug prices] higher, and they’re not rolling back their prices, so why should we?”

It is important to note that Shkreli would not be able to charge such exorbitant amounts for this drug if he weren’t backed by the US government. Turing Pharmaceuticals was granted a monopoly on the sale of Daraprim by the state. If anyone else attempted to make a similar drug for a lower amount, they would be met with the force of the state.

Pharma Bro Lied, He Never Intended to Revert the 5,500% Price Increase of Live-Saving Drug

What if GREEDY CAPITALISM was in fact STATE CAPITALISM? Is capitalism greedy as a result of and not in spite of the State? Does the State create the concentration of wealth into fewer hands? (see Chinese billionaires) Does the State enjoy better arrangements when wealth is centralized as opposed to decentralized and distributed? Raises the question for me, without the State would there even be capitalism to begin with? Or would what is called capitalism be so radically different as to not even be recognized as capitalism?


Well-Known Member
@wkmac, that is not how state healthcare works. You know that.

I disagree. Such socialized programs more often than not create conditions of/for economic rent (in this case a state created monopoly for a drug) and thus the conditions for an excess rent to which wealth is extracted from the larger segment of society and consolidated to the benefit of the State and its privileged class. Socialized medicine tends to dictate terms and conditions that create scarcity and thus an imbalance in supply and demand in the same manner as our greedy entrepreneur or would that be the greedy state too?

For the record, for the last 100 plus years we've had some form of socialized medicine (a mostly rightwing form) and why the argument that ObamaCare makes medicine socialist is political BS because it already was to begin with well before Obama even came on the scene. But now we are seeing it scaled up more and more as a result of ObamaCare and "should" republicans retake power and "should" they actually change ObamaCare, the core of ObamaCare in creating a cartel will not be done away with because it was the medical business insiders who wrote the legislation to begin with. At best the republicans will only replace one privileged corp. class with its own.

Among others, Rockefeller who benefited from petroleum/chemical based medicines (funny that his father was a known con man and snake oil salesman) and Carnegie Foundation backing to Abraham Flexner, the fate was sealed early on and today's medical crisis is a result of interventions on behalf of corp. interests while competitive market approaches were crushed just as ObamaCare is doing in creating our present version of medical cartel.

Now if you want to defend this corporatism using some utilitarian rationale, you are free to make that choice.


Well-Known Member
But on that note, who authorizes and then enforces the patent? How does the privilege of patent exist absent the state? Without patent, how does the creation of artificial property create the economic scarcity from which economic rents occur?

About the state, how does a natural or free market (as opposed to the state) create and enforce an artificial property such as a patent? For that matter, how does an artificial creature such a corporation with artificial rights come into existence without the state? How are special privileges that grant special legal status over and above natural market actors of equal status created and granted?