socialized healthcare


Well-Known Member
he doesnt want americans getting any ideas about US govt providing healthcare or interferring in markets for the good of all:



Well-Known Member
Why does he just buy some snicker bars instead?
u know if america goes fascist the gays will be on the chopping block, maybe not literally but the gains theyve had will be wiped out. theyre gonna come after gays, minorities, communists, muslims, etc. so your failure to understand or do anything not related to LGBT will affect that group as well.


Well-Known Member
The person who tweeted that is a lawyer, what's the median pay for a lawyer?
its alot more accurate than an average. u know 8 poor people and 1 billionaire is going to give an inflated number of wealth. but u know that anyways, mister america know it all, we know economics, we got high unionization rate, we are free LOL.