So much right wing ignorance in this thread. Shoot first ask questions later.
The russians have had many ships taken hostage and they havent attacked somalia. France has had ships taken, Iran has had ships taken, Egypt has had ships taken etc etc etc and yet, none of these countries have fired a shot.
The ransoms are paid and the ships released.
Here's the problem you Glen Beck wierdos dont understand. Its called SOVERIEGN WATERS.
These pirates go into international waters and then head back into their own territorial waters therefore preventing any incursion of foriegn ships.
We dont have the RIGHT to enter somali waters for ANY reason.
If it were that easy, we'd take the somalia shores with enough firepower to wipe out every port in somalia. But, no matter who is president, we wont do that.
President Bush did ZERO in 8 years to stem the tide of pirates despite his claim to be fighting a WORLDWIDE war on terror.
Record siezures of ships were recorded during the BUSH administration tenure and now you glen beck junkies want to claim that Obama is weak.
Get serious.
Right now, diplomacy is working, has worked and willl ultimately work to end this crisis.
I agree however, that a message should be sent to the somali goverment that it must contain its citizens and police its shores and prevent pirates from using its soveriegn waters as a staging ground for high seas extortion.
First, get the UN to declare a state of emergency in the gulf. Warn Somalia that military action will comence on its shores if it does not contain its militant citizens and then we use our navy to bombard every port on the somali coast.
The problem is , these independent militants are not organized and innocent people would probably perish with military action.
There should be better military patrols in the gulf and maybe a few of these boats blown up while in international waters before they scram back to protected waters.
But lets get off our high horses and quit calling Obama weak. Save that for your tea parties with the other weak minded idiots who are led by a political machine destined for doom over the next 12 years.
Obama will show restraint and leadership along with assistance from all the other countries involved.
Give it a rest.