Somali pirates


golden ticket member
I think all ships could carry racks of bowling balls. On cruise ships it would be a sport....bowling for Somalies.

A 16 lb. ball dropped from hundreds of feet would smash through those gnat-like pirate boats and send them to Davey's locker real fast. :happy-very:


Staff member
Re: New ship to fight pirates?


You might find this piece from Rueters also interesting.

U.S. Navy says fight against pirates needed ashore

I agree. I wanted to link you to an article by a reporter who embedded himself with Somali pirates. He wrote of how they're easy to find, they're the ones with the fancy homes and cars!

But I can't find it, maybe you've already seen it.

I'm still very much in favor of the admittedly short term solution of blowing them out of the water. Even if it's impossible to patrol the whole area, it would be good to make an example where you can. I don't care about the legalities of it, it seems to me that the pirates don't care about legality, why should we?


Staff member
Here's a sad twist.

Navy Seals that rescued Captain Phillips are now under suspicion of stealing the $30,000 that the pirates stole from the Maersk Alabama.



Pees in the brown Koolaid

skip the browncafe cruise and sign me up for this pirate hunting cruise.
Onboard a private luxury yacht cruising the Somali coast equipped with your own AK47 and ammo.

If I'm pirate hunting I dont want an AK 47.

I already own an AK 47. Its a nice gun, great for engaging multiple targets at short range out to 150 yards or so. Beyond that its pretty inaccurate and has limited stopping power. I dont want the pirates to get that close.

If I'm pirate hunting I want a Russian Dragunov in 7.62x54 with the PSL rangefinding scope. You can buy a Romanian-built version for around $800 and an 1100-round sealed tin of surplus Russian ammo will set you back another $150 or so.

The Dragunov is a semi-automatic sniper rifle with a 10 rd magazine. You can reach out and touch something at 700 to 800 meters...almost half a mile... once you get it dialed in. The 7.62x54 round will easily punch thru car doors or light armor. With a Dragunov you could single-handedly take out an entire boat load of pirates before they could ever get close enough to use their AK-47's or RPG's. Fish in a barrel. Fun fun fun!


Well-Known Member
The otherside of the Somali Pirate issue rarely discussed or exposed.

Every story always has 2 sides.

When you actually look beyond the squared circle and the wrestling show contrived for our entertainment, the story is vastly more complex, interesting and not neatly as cut and dry as many in our own media would love for us to think it is.

Part 1 of a 3 Part Series on the situation in Somalia


Part 2

Part 3

Seems the question would beg, in whose interest does it really serve to keep Somalia in a state of pure chaos and in whose interest does it serve to make the political and social environment in Somalia so toxic that it keeps outsiders out to begin with so they see nothing and no questions are asked?

In whose agenda do the murdering pirates really serve?


Retired 23 years
stupid stupid stupid------------------I feel sorry for the kids for having such idiots as parents