Specter changes sides

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
My for someone who's side has firm control of the power stick you sure sound like you have a lot of anger. YOu do know your side is in control and screwing up the country now don't you?

Specter was never a republican. He just claimed to be.


Go with that one!:surprised:


Well-Known Member
My for someone who's side has firm control of the power stick you sure sound like you have a lot of anger. YOu do know your side is in control and screwing up the country now don't you.

I see your still not accepting the realization that the country was screw up and in a downward spiral when the power transfer occured. This is how Gov't gets bogged down, Dem's in fact spend most of the time and money in office, fixing and repairing the damage that Rep's have administered the previous term. And when is your side ever going to learn to invest in our country's future (clean energy, healthcare, education, infrastructure), instead of self interest and lining and safeguarding the wealthy's pockets.

Ever since the 1994 Republican takeover of Congress, Democrats have guaranteed “real change” if we give them back control of government. They’ve made this pledge despite helping Republicans deregulate the financial system and plunge the country into the Iraq war. And at every turn, they’ve blamed the GOP, rather than themselves, for gridlock.

Help, indeed the Dem's did.....but it's suffice to say a minority # of Dem's was all the Rep's needed. That doesn't neccessarily represent the bulk of the party leaders and civilian supporters that were led astray. Add to the fray Greenspan and the Fed refusal to cooperate and allow deregulation to occur. Their mistake was presuming the self interest of Org's such as banks and others was such that they were best capable of protecting their own shareholders. Too bad for the free marketeers....worst move ever.

I'd not be surprised at all to see several more go over and not necessarily some of the names typically mentioned when this idea gets floated.

Agreed ! :smart:


I see your still not accepting the realization that the country was screw up and in a downward spiral when the power transfer occured.

Agreed ! :smart:

Ah yes the infamous Obama fairy tale. Once upon a time the mean george Bush screwed up the country. Obama then rode in from the countryside with his knights of the round table Nancy , and ted and Barney and Harry and Joe to oust Bush and save the country.

Only problem I see with the fairy tale is those same characters were in control of congress , had that power and were doing thier own fair share of screwing up the country.

Ya know Specter changing sides is like a gay person coming out of the closet. Everyone already knew what he was they just wondered what took him so long admitting it.:rofl:


Tie, your memory, or lack of it, is staggering.

In three months, President Obama (doesn't that sound great? President Obama!), has already slowed the destructive juggernaught GWB put into motion.

I think that you will be singing a different tune by the end of his second term.

BTW, GWB didn't keep us safe, we were attacked on our soil during his watch. Just a reminder for you.


Tie, your memory, or lack of it, is staggering.

In three months, President Obama (doesn't that sound great? President Obama!), has already slowed the destructive juggernaught GWB put into motion.

The destructive Juggernaut that Bush, Obama, pelosi, harry, joe and numerous other democrats in control of congress put in motion. Or did you forget about congress?

I think that you will be singing a different tune by the end of his second term.

Brother can you spare a dime comes to mind

BTW, GWB didn't keep us safe, we were attacked on our soil during his watch. Just a reminder for you.

You're right 9/11 happened 8 months into his presidency. He has kept us very safe since then. It will be interesting to see if all that bowing Obama is doing will do the same in the future.


Well-Known Member
In three months, President Obama (doesn't that sound great? President Obama!), has already slowed the destructive juggernaught GWB put into motion.

Sadly Obama has launched his own destructive juggernaught which is faster and more powerful than anything Bush did. We will see and feel the effects of his poor decisions much sooner than you think.

I think that you will be singing a different tune by the end of his second term.

Second Term? :lol:

BTW, GWB didn't keep us safe, we were attacked on our soil during his watch. Just a reminder for you.

Thanks to Clinton to giving those terrorists the breathing room they needed to plan and carry out such an attack. Since 9/11/01 not a single terrorist attack has been successfully carried out on our soil. We can only pray that Obama will be this successful.


Well-Known Member
Ah yes the infamous Obama fairy tale. Once upon a time the mean george Bush screwed up the country.

Not just George, but Dick, Carl, and Donald....Now, we have a factual documentary.

Obama then rode in from the countryside with his knights of the round table Nancy , and ted and Barney and Harry and Joe to oust Bush and save the country.

.....and don't forget the peasants, masonaries, bricklayers, and villagers who demanded the ouster of King George and his kangaroo court, that's called a Democracy revolt in the Kingsland.

Only problem I see with the fairy tale is those same characters were in control of congress , had that power and were doing thier own fair share of screwing up the country.

Agreed, they were screwing up the country, when they continued to support Republican backed legislation.

Ya know Specter changing sides is like a gay person coming out of the closet. Everyone already knew what he was they just wondered what took him so long admitting it.:rofl:

Ya know, Specter, was dead man walking remaining as a Republican. When you have 200,000 confirmed Republican Pennsylvanians jumping ship and many more predicted to also jump, it shows Specter is no dummy puppet and is representing his district.

Thanks to Clinton to giving those terrorists the breathing room they needed to plan and carry out such an attack. Since 9/11/01 not a single terrorist attack has been successfully carried out on our soil. We can only pray that Obama will be this successful.

You're right 9/11 happened 8 months into his presidency. He has kept us very safe since then. It will be interesting to see if all that bowing Obama is doing will do the same in the future.

The fact still remains, 9/11 (the worst act of terrorism ever) happened on Bush's watch. Not on Clinton's watch, who had to deal with a reluctant, fillerbustering, red taped filled Republican Congress.

Keeping us safe ? My fear is a disgruntled right winger will commit an act of terrorism against our gov't just to claim "See, I told you so", than a radical muslim on our soil. Lets not forget, Bush's foriegn policies sowed, and grown int'l radicals and terrorist worldwide like pouring water on a chia pet.

Tie, I'm fasinated at your obsession of bowing.....so far I've seen more evidence and images of Bush bowing more than once, a kiss, hand holding, and probably a reach around when nobody was looking torward the Saudi leaders and Ben Laden family members....but you ignore that...

Sadly Obama has launched his own destructive juggernaught which is faster and more powerful than anything Bush did. We will see and feel the effects of his poor decisions much sooner than you think.

Your arguement is based purely on wishful thinking and assumptions.
In fact, Fed Chair Bernanke did say today he expects the Economy to grow again, later in 2009.....This news came much sooner than I expected.


The fact still remains, 9/11 (the worst act of terrorism ever) happened on Bush's watch. Not on Clinton's watch, who had to deal with a reluctant, fillerbustering, red taped filled Republican Congress.

geez you comment on setting the record straight and then feed me this whiney excuse for Clinton letting our guard down.

Clinton had quite a few terrorst acts on his watch. Bush came in and fixed the damage after 9/11 . Bush homeland security solution should have been put in place after the first attack on the twin towers.


geez you comment on setting the record straight and then feed me this whiney excuse for Clinton letting our guard down.

Clinton had quite a few terrorst acts on his watch. Bush came in and fixed the damage after 9/11 . Bush homeland security solution should have been put in place after the first attack on the twin towers.
Geez, talk about two faced!

Anything that happened on Bush's watch was Clinton's fault, yet any that *may* happen on Obama's watch would be his fault?

Bush had dozens of terrorist atrocities committed while he was President, and the worst attack on civilians ever, in spite of being warned explicitly that this would happen by the outgoing administation.

Get over it. You lost, the majority finally ruled, and the country is on it's way to recovering from yet another Bush Presidency.

Rejoice, things are slowly getting better. It will take some time, but there is light on the horizon.

How long do you think it takes to recover from two failed Bush Presidencies? That family has always been a mess. I would no more want a third one of them than I would want a second Clinton or Kennedy.

This great country is ill suited to monarchies or dynasties, you choose the term.


Geez, talk about two faced!

Anything that happened on Bush's watch was Clinton's fault, yet any that *may* happen on Obama's watch would be his fault?

I may have to use bigger crayons to reach some of my audience. Obama and the liberal controlling congress keep trying to pretend they just showed up out of the blue when in fact they were willing accomplices to todays economic woes and may have helped precipitate this destruction in order to help get Obama elected. If Obama was in congress for the last four years he has no right to claim he is cleaning up Bush mess because its his mess too.

Bush had dozens of terrorist atrocities committed while he was President, and the worst attack on civilians ever, in spite of being warned explicitly that this would happen by the outgoing administation.

ROFLMAO. Why did the outgoing administration bother to warn Bush. If they had explicit information then all they had to do was go and arrest the terrorist. After all the terrorist were living in this country when the outgoing administration was outgoing. You're going to have a tough time here if you keep trying to spin these fairy tales.

Get over it. You lost, the majority finally ruled, and the country is on it's way to recovering from yet another Bush Presidency.

I have no problem getting over anything. I'm the guy that has to keep reminding your people that they are in control. You still have Obama running around like he thinks he is still campaining. You have your people still talking about Bush like you think he is still in charge. Hello somebody on your side needs to wake up:peaceful:

Rejoice, things are slowly getting better. It will take some time, but there is light on the horizon.

Yep we have three trillion dollars causing a temporary economic upturn. Look out when the credit card hits its limit.

How long do you think it takes to recover from two failed Bush Presidencies? That family has always been a mess. I would no more want a third one of them than I would want a second Clinton or Kennedy.

Wow are you telling me the country did not recover from Bush one under clinton. Him you must be a confused democrat.

This great country is ill suited to monarchies or dynasties, you choose the term.

not now. We have the court jesters running things now. And I ALMAO


Tie, your memory, or lack of it, is staggering.

In three months, President Obama (doesn't that sound great? President Obama!), has already slowed the destructive juggernaught GWB put into motion.

I think that you will be singing a different tune by the end of his second term.

Hell no!
You must have one hell of a great set of knee pads and a good bib.


Well-Known Member
Your arguement is based purely on wishful thinking and assumptions.
My arguments are based on historical precedence and facts. If spending like there is no tomorrow, monetizing our debt, and massively increasing the size of government worked the Soviet Union should be the largest and most powerful country on earth right now. Margaret Thatcher was spot on when she said "the problem with socialism is eventually you run out of other people's money" and that is exactly what happens.


Well-Known Member
I do believe it was the Republican party that recieved the facial.......Must be hard to swallow, when your the party of shrinkage....:surprised:

Oh my, I near fell off my chair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Actually, I find my quote much more amusing and ORGINAL than Hoax's. But maybe you ought to put that seatbelt on your high chair....:happy-very:

Actually I think shrinkage would make it easier to swallow but I'll defer to your experience. :funny:

Hoax, This may be hard to swallow, but I wouldn't brag about shrinkage if I were you.....But if that's how you roll, stop taking so many cold showers and maybe your luck will change....:wink2:


Nine Lives
Hoax, This may be hard to swallow, but I wouldn't brag about shrinkage if I were you.....But if that's how you roll, stop taking so many cold showers and maybe your luck will change....:wink2:

All fun ...

but seriously, I've found tying a string to it helps.