St Patty Music

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Stop with the nonsense. Most Americans are so diluted now from their Irish roots some 5-6 generations later.
All the grand parents are from the old country although 1/2 from Ireland 1/2 from Germany . Mom who is an O'Brien had 2 sisters who married sons of Italian and Polish immigrants. Italian and Polish was spoken in their respective neighborhoods. Needless to say the food was better at the Italian and Polish households. My Grandmother Bridgy Mac Hale's house always smelled like ham and cabbage on the holidays.
PS. I was just e-mailing my cousins Morena and Eamon from Limerick , Fr. Brendan and Cousin Conor off Dublin Happy and Holy Saint Patrick's Day

Great Grand Parents .JPGMary MacHale BirraneMartin BirraneanddaughterSrMAnne.JPG Catherine and Michael MacHale.JPGClaire O'Brien Corky.jpgMacHale Sisters.JPGay.
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