Stand up for our health rights


Well-Known Member
i dunno id have to ask my parents. i collect $2100 a month on welfare.
Look it up. If you are collecting welfare, you probably aren’t contributing to the pension right now. The average monthly pension is 679. Your pension will probably be 200. Good luck with that.


Well-Known Member
Look it up. If you are collecting welfare, you probably aren’t contributing to the pension right now. The average monthly pension is 679. Your pension will probably be 200. Good luck with that.
not worried. yea i went on their page and they said the max you can collect at 65 is what you said, but it changes depending on what age you are. we have other programs for old ppl too. my neighbour has nurses who come i dont know how often every week to give her food and clean the place and stuff. on the other hand my dad knows some ppl who are in the poor house in retirement. a couple things will happen by teh time im 65:

-ill either be an xray tech or just a cardio tech so i wont be worried financially
-civilization will have collapsed before then so it will be a disaster anyways
-ill move to a less conservative country with bigger welfare state

and o yea i am a beneficiary of the broken housing system so if i dont lose the millions im good.


Well-Known Member
not worried. yea i went on their page and they said the max you can collect at 65 is what you said, but it changes depending on what age you are. we have other programs for old ppl too. my neighbour has nurses who come i dont know how often every week to give her food and clean the place and stuff. on the other hand my dad knows some ppl who are in the poor house in retirement. a couple things will happen by teh time im 65:

-ill either be an xray tech or just a cardio tech so i wont be worried financially
-civilization will have collapsed before then so it will be a disaster anyways
-ill move to a less conservative country with bigger welfare state

and o yea i am a beneficiary of the broken housing system so if i dont lose the millions im good.
Why do you support a system that won’t be there?


Blind every day

Man, let’s all get this vaccine already and move on with our lives.

Literally Every Boomer:

bUt VaCiNnEs AnD ShOtS aRe UnPrOvEn AnD wIlL cAuSe AutiSm Or EvEn WoRsE tAkE mY fReEdOmS aWaY! ThE 5g ToWeRs WiLl AcTiVaTe ThEsE l1BtArDs’ LeFt WiNg AgEnDa HaVe YoU hEaRd Of ThE GrEaT ReSeT? I mEaN iT’s My BoDy AmIrIgHt. ScReW ObAmAcArE aM i RiGhT?
iT iSn’T a MaSk, It’S a MuZzLe!

P.s. Am I hAsHtAgGiNg?
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Man, let’s all get this vaccine already and move on with our lives.

Literally Every Boomer:

bUt VaCiNnEs AnD ShOtS aRe UnPrOvEn AnD wIlL cAuSe AutiSm Or EvEn WoRsE tAkE mY fReEdOmS aWaY! ThE 5g ToWeRs WiLl AcTiVaTe ThE GrEaT ReSeT I mEaN iT’s My BoDy AmIrIgHt. ScReW ObAmAcArE aM i RiGhT?

P.s. Am I hAsHtAgGiNg?
This vaccine is making more people nervous when you want to mess with the RNA


Well-Known Member
Then go get a job at FedEx.

Oh wait. They require their employees to wear a mask too.

Maybe USPS?

Nope they also have a mask mandate.


Mask mandate.

If you want to avoid the mask mandate. Then you'll have to work at some backwoods sister :censored2:ing bait shop in Mississippi.


Well-Known Member
UPS has been working on there own vaccine. After your injected you immediately withdraw and cease submitting all grievances. You volunteer for PM dispatch and for Saturday shifts. I heard it actually makes you iron all work clothes right before your shift and you order new socks every 3 months. That vaccine scares me the most.
That's exactly it.

"Ups doesn't care about our health and safety. They aren't doing anything...."

Be careful of what you wish for.

Cause you got it.

Ups has been subject to State Health Dept. inspections and fined for lack of compliance.

It seems.... the 800 number and the grievance procedure work.

Don't cry about it now.

They certainly are, that’s why our center is cracking down a little harder.