Well-Known Member
As usual you are missing the point. And that point is that their supposed reason for existing and what they are actually doing is two different things. Yes, I am questioning the ACLU position. That position is that of twisting and spinning the constitution to defend their clients. So basically they are spitting on the Constitution. Doesn't sound very Constitutionally sound does it? I think not. Only liberal judges and supposedly conservative judges with no cojones are the fools that fall for their BS. If the ACLU truly practiced what they preached then the number of clients they've represented over the years would be drasticallly less than what they have actually represented to date. They would also be a pretty good organization. But that's not what's happening. And let's not forget their ties to the communist party. Just face it....they are a joke. Their defense of the guy involved with the bathroom stall incident is one of many examples of how they are crazy loons.
Lets face it BigA, many if not ALL defense Attorneys have to represent Dirtbags and Lowlifes as part of their practises....Johnny Cochran for example defending OJ. True he's in the private sector however the same can be said for most public defense attorneys paid for by our tax dollars. The ACLU is no different, if there not in your corner, you hate them. But if their fighting for example on our behalf of the American People for injustices the Gov't is violating such as, withholding evidence referring to it as "State Secrets" of Nat'l Security threats when admittlingly breaking the law and Constitutional amendment of invasion of privacy and liberties, they become our best friends. Unless of course you beleive everything the Gov't tells you.....