The action of revolt against the crown does have a libertarian aspect (some of the Jeffersonian ideals) to it but the outcome of that revolt in the formation of the nationstate of the United States was anything but libertarian. On the latter point you would be correct but at the time of the revolt of the Stamp Act, a nationstate called the United States was not in play.
Just a bit of side note, if the people of the United States today, generally speaking, had the same level of taxation as the average common people of the day in the 1770's, we would think we were living in a libertarian utopia.
And if you want to stick to technical ideals, I got no problem there, I'll agree with your assertion that the experiment that became the United States is no libertarian ideal on the very same grounds that Somalia is no Anarchist experience. If proper grammar and etymological correctness is the goal and outcome........your call.