Our government is not sufficiently involved in the social welfare of our hungry. The 'safety net' has been shredded for the last 30 years, and particularly in the last 8. It has been estimated that $30 billion a year would eliminate hunger worldwide. How fast did we burn through $30 billion in Iraq? Ten minutes?
And our government is already involved in our health care. I have an 89-year old mother, who has had many health problems, all of which have been well handled and paid for by Medicare. Hip replacement at age 84? No problem. Ongoing supplies and care for cancer treatment? No problem. Need a respirator machine to help her breathe? No problem.
I happen to have good health insurance thanks to the corporate teat of Big Brown, and I can only hope the beancounters in ATL don't decide to pull the plug on me and all the other retirees because the CEO thinks he needs a bump in the stock price to buff up his options. If the beancounters DO dump me, I am screwed, because even with all the wealth I managed to accumulate over all those years, NO PRIVATE INSURER will touch me: two injuries on the job, high blood pressure (which did go down after I retired...) and so on and so forth.
So I think a rational discussion about how this country, the richest and most freedom loving country in the world, wants to handle an issue is important. Slogans and flat out fearmongering is not useful.
And point number two my new liberal poster who has suddenly shown up to educate us ignorant savages. Hawkings opinion about britans nhs does not discount the point that Hawkings was born into wealth and all its benifits. Hawkings quote which you selectively provide does not in fact deny the benifits his wealthy lifestyle has provided him.
retired tech girl from louisville? Interesting. I know a few techies in lousville who did you work for while there?