Orrrrr I’d rather not lose thousands of dollars to Uncle Sam just because they want to see it as a bonus when in actuality I’ve worked for and earned that money k thanks for playing bye Felicia.
Please, enlighten us all to where you lose money in this scenario once you balance your taxes every year. I’m very interested to see where you think you lose money.
You see, if you owe taxes on 100k dollars, whether you pay now, or later, you still owe a percentage. How much you pay of that percentage throughout the year fluctuates depending on how your weekly check is being taxed as though you’d make that exact amount every week.
If you made 90k this week and were taxed at 80%, and then made 10k next week and were taxed 0%, it doesn’t matter, as you’ll balance your taxes at the end of the year to pay/get refunded the correct amount to equal what your owed taxes are on 100k.