steward updated us in contract yesterday

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
You can direct deposit into more than 1 account...
I have actually known that for a long time I just don’t need to do it. I really was hoping that the retro check would be separate because I will not only be buying another gun for my collection but my Wife’s anniversary gift as well. We Both watch our credit cards Transactions for fraudulent charges so it’s nearly impossible for either one of us to buy something without the other noticing. LOL

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Trying to hide stuff from your wife....

That's the basis of a strong relationship.

Does she know about your Pension and 401K ?
I have never hidden anything from my wife. But It would be nice to be able to buy our next wedding anniversary gift with cash that way she doesn’t accidentally figure it out before hand by noticing a charge on the credit or seeing how much money was withdrawn from our debit card account. Large withdrawals are always noticed and questioned by both of us and I am glad for that because we’ve had fraudulent charges in the past.

I don’t see how the pension and 401(k) is relevant to the discussion. But yes she does know. And she also knows that she is the beneficiary for both.

My secret gun purchase scheme was a jab at those on this board that actually do have to hide purchases involving their hobbies from their wives at of fear of retaliation. LOL!


Well-Known Member
You know what’s pitiful. Seeing some of my co workers who make 100k+ a year. Their wives force them to bring a soggy ass Sammie to work. Some even get an allowance. Imagine living like that for years just to get a divorce down the line.

I gotta ask my wife......... pfffttttttttt. Once children are in school/daycare, I don’t know what type of crippling medical condition all these women have that they can’t work. I thought we lived in a world where we are equal.


Well-Known Member
You know what’s pitiful. Seeing some of my co workers who make 100k+ a year. Their wives force them to bring a soggy ass Sammie to work. Some even get an allowance. Imagine living like that for years just to get a divorce down the line.

I gotta ask my wife......... pfffttttttttt. Once children are in school/daycare, I don’t know what type of crippling medical condition all these women have that they can’t work. I thought we lived in a world where we are equal.
They gotta save if they want to pay off their wives student loan debt for their arts degree. The wives have said arts degrees and are "starting new job at stay at home mom!" on Facebook. See it all the time.

The "richest" working guy I know makes about 80 a year, his wife makes over 100. His wife is a penny pinching SOB, and those two will retire comfortably as hell. That's what I want.


Well-Known Member
You know what’s pitiful. Seeing some of my co workers who make 100k+ a year. Their wives force them to bring a soggy ass Sammie to work. Some even get an allowance. Imagine living like that for years just to get a divorce down the line.

I gotta ask my wife......... pfffttttttttt. Once children are in school/daycare, I don’t know what type of crippling medical condition all these women have that they can’t work. I thought we lived in a world where we are equal.

Lol yea I always hear stories like that and it’s so sad.


Well-Known Member
You know what’s pitiful. Seeing some of my co workers who make 100k+ a year. Their wives force them to bring a soggy ass Sammie to work. Some even get an allowance. Imagine living like that for years just to get a divorce down the line.

I gotta ask my wife......... pfffttttttttt. Once children are in school/daycare, I don’t know what type of crippling medical condition all these women have that they can’t work. I thought we lived in a world where we are equal.

Perhaps some of these coworkers dont know how to handle money therefore their wives step in? Perhaps they enjoy the "sammie" Just becuase you make 100K + doesnt mean you have to spend it all. In NY if I bought lunch every day I would spend on average $60 a week just on lunch and go forbid we add breakfast. My wife works, makes just as much as I do and also brings herself a "sammie". Its called being smart.


Blind every day
I also heard if you’re that hard up on taxed money you haven’t received that you’ll get back at the end of the year, you have other problems.

Orrrrr I’d rather not lose thousands of dollars to Uncle Sam just because they want to see it as a bonus when in actuality I’ve worked for and earned that money k thanks for playing bye Felicia.


Gone Fish'n
Orrrrr I’d rather not lose thousands of dollars to Uncle Sam just because they want to see it as a bonus when in actuality I’ve worked for and earned that money k thanks for playing bye Felicia.
Please, enlighten us all to where you lose money in this scenario once you balance your taxes every year. I’m very interested to see where you think you lose money.

You see, if you owe taxes on 100k dollars, whether you pay now, or later, you still owe a percentage. How much you pay of that percentage throughout the year fluctuates depending on how your weekly check is being taxed as though you’d make that exact amount every week.

If you made 90k this week and were taxed at 80%, and then made 10k next week and were taxed 0%, it doesn’t matter, as you’ll balance your taxes at the end of the year to pay/get refunded the correct amount to equal what your owed taxes are on 100k.
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