Stop Discrimination in UPS especially in UPS Management!!!


Where I am the drivers are are rather diverse in thier origins.
In my center alone(about 50 ft drivers),off the top of my head
come from:
Puerto rico
And for the most part,we all get along fine.

I bet the "bring a dish" barbecues are interesting.


After I saw that many country names, without looking at your name and location, I did think you must be talking about somewhere else.

And I really liked what you said in the end ":thumbup1: We all communicate better when we leave our ego's at home. ".


Well-Known Member
ups uses age discrimination .3 mo.before i retired i was sort of shown the cutting my route once or twice a week that time the center mgr.had it in for older drivers anyway.i had capral tunnel was workmans comp.he was a numbers man.


brown did nothing 4 me
Yeah, stop the racism. I can count about 50 while males that were more qualified than most of the black and especially black females I saw promoted. They all had letters in and were through the panel interview, but guess what, they need some token minority to meet some quota. Why do you just **** and go away. Earn your position in the work place not some courtroom jagoff.

Sometimes, I think UPS goes overboard in its promotion of Minorities. I have seen so many who were promoted because they passed the MAPP test and the Panel, but they cannot spell, write complete sentences, or divide pieces by hours. They leapfrogged over candidates who had also passed MAPP & Panel, and were waiting a year or so for an opening. MAPP did not change anything....the buddy system is alive & well at UPS...


New Member
Sometimes, I think UPS goes overboard in its promotion of Minorities. I have seen so many who were promoted because they passed the MAPP test and the Panel, but they cannot spell, write complete sentences, or divide pieces by hours. They leapfrogged over candidates who had also passed MAPP & Panel, and were waiting a year or so for an opening. MAPP did not change anything....the buddy system is alive & well at UPS...

Wow! This thread has seriously disappointed me :sad:. I usually enjoy the witty and intelligent banter that are usually written in these forums; however, with some of the words written on this thread by the members of this forum, one wonders why there are affirimative action programs still in place for minorites and women.
By the way, Clockrider, the sentence above is a complete one. We are capable of writing them. :wink:


Re: Stop Discrimination in UPS AGE DISCRIMINATION TOO! UPS Management!!!


Early retirement package? Why again? The game is set up for as many people as possible to NOT make at least partial retirement as possible AND it's getting worse. Remember, 55 is NOT full retirement. It is a partial benefit retirement with full healthcare.

It used to be, UPS saved enormous costs by losing people before they reached full retirement. Go ahead leave before 62 take your stock you have enough! They begged you.

Now the age is 55. I have seen so many uncomfortable moves made to people when they reach 54 to 56 years of age it would make your head spin.

There are many age related savings UPS has been successful in adapting without a whimper of lawsuit. Who in their right mind would take UPS on?
They only promote people in their 30's and only hire people in their 20's. Please wake up and take a look around. Do your own stroke count!!

Take a look at how old the people are who are demoted, Take a look at who replaces the demoted individual if you can see through the 3 or 4 way move and swaps that invariably means a promotion for a 20 or early 30 something. Take a look at who are the ones that are out on stress and anxiety disability or worse. Over 40? I know the answer.

Make note which ones are quitting. Note how old the people are that are being moved without being promoted and then note who is being moved AND promoted!

Yes many younger management are leaving, but guess what? If it's a 50/50 split UPS does not have anything to worry about when it comes to EEOC and reaps the benefit of putting another less costly employee in place of hopefully not reaching even a partial retirement!

Do you really truly believe the pressure coming from above is accidental or not planned? Here's an idea, lets combine jobs and ask that the same work gets done. No one will have a clue it is designed to get as many older management to fall as possible....unless someone is smart enough to look (normally only the managment out west are smart enough to look and NOT BE AFRAID).

Lets make the manager run the local sort and preload but not provide any more resources, maybe even take some away!! This started in the south (I have record from Selma, Alabama. The sups were given a driver line of 30 and the local sort.) The older employee leaving is BONUS!

Performance problem? Integrity matters? Guaranteed a factor....but isn't it odd the number of integrity and performance issues seem to multiply as you are overworked, humiliated or berated? Why so many over 40's with this malady? do your homework. I guarantee you will see a trend that no one is looking at but the people who account for cost from retirees and older management.

I think you need to do your own evaluations about the ERO and what the REAL package is.



Well-Known Member
Re: Stop Discrimination in UPS AGE DISCRIMINATION TOO! UPS Management!!!


. Remember, 55 is NOT full retirement. It is a partial benefit retirement with full healthcare.


Anyone who started with UPS in the 70's or early 80's and was in a management position, had the benefits of UPS being private, with stock growth year after year.

Once UPS went public and stock had doubled in value, that is when all the changes came about in the 90's.
Although, still a great investment, the organization started consolidating districts and regions, outsourced the phone centers, and started acquisitons of other companies became the norm, to enhance UPS's customer portfolio.

With that expense, management did see buyouts, and restructuring, over the years and the restructing continues to go on globally. Not only with UPS, but the subsidiaries as well.

Now to address the retirement benefits at age 55, as opposed to waiting to 62. First and foremost, with the added responsibility assigned to UPS management, and the lack of needed resources to do the job, as it was in the past, when a manager or division manager could run their operation, well those day disappeared around 2000.

Then it was the Regions, and IE telling everyone what to do, how to do it, and then throw in Finance, along with BD, well, that was enough to make anyone's head spin.

So perhaps the logic was to put way too much on mangement plate, to make 55 look like the right age to leave.

And quite honestly, as much as UPS hold management accountable to their cost plans, anyone who couldn't or wouldn't leave at 55, may have had financial reasons for not leaving. You know the kind, second marriages, young children, health issues and family issues.

I know I was ready to leave finacially at 55, and the day I walked out the door for the last time, well, it felt like I was paroled to enjoy the rest of my life. And have been doing so for the last 3 years.

As far, as the current management at UPS, only the strong will survive, if the Micro Management is stopped from the Corporate level, to allow the district and region staff do the jobs they get paid to do, not be puppets to the upper echelon.

JMO - as a happy retired UPS management person, who has the utmost respect for my co workers I left behind, and our service providers who keep our customers satisfied.


Senior Member
Re: Stop Discrimination in UPS AGE DISCRIMINATION TOO! UPS Management!!!


Early retirement package? Why again? The game is set up for as many people as possible to NOT make at least partial retirement as possible AND it's getting worse. Remember, 55 is NOT full retirement. It is a partial benefit retirement with full healthcare.

It used to be, UPS saved enormous costs by losing people before they reached full retirement. Go ahead leave before 62 take your stock you have enough! They begged you.

Now the age is 55. I have seen so many uncomfortable moves made to people when they reach 54 to 56 years of age it would make your head spin.

There are many age related savings UPS has been successful in adapting without a whimper of lawsuit. Who in their right mind would take UPS on?
They only promote people in their 30's and only hire people in their 20's. Please wake up and take a look around. Do your own stroke count!!

Take a look at how old the people are who are demoted, Take a look at who replaces the demoted individual if you can see through the 3 or 4 way move and swaps that invariably means a promotion for a 20 or early 30 something. Take a look at who are the ones that are out on stress and anxiety disability or worse. Over 40? I know the answer.

Make note which ones are quitting. Note how old the people are that are being moved without being promoted and then note who is being moved AND promoted!

Yes many younger management are leaving, but guess what? If it's a 50/50 split UPS does not have anything to worry about when it comes to EEOC and reaps the benefit of putting another less costly employee in place of hopefully not reaching even a partial retirement!

Do you really truly believe the pressure coming from above is accidental or not planned? Here's an idea, lets combine jobs and ask that the same work gets done. No one will have a clue it is designed to get as many older management to fall as possible....unless someone is smart enough to look (normally only the managment out west are smart enough to look and NOT BE AFRAID).

Lets make the manager run the local sort and preload but not provide any more resources, maybe even take some away!! This started in the south (I have record from Selma, Alabama. The sups were given a driver line of 30 and the local sort.) The older employee leaving is BONUS!

Performance problem? Integrity matters? Guaranteed a factor....but isn't it odd the number of integrity and performance issues seem to multiply as you are overworked, humiliated or berated? Why so many over 40's with this malady? do your homework. I guarantee you will see a trend that no one is looking at but the people who account for cost from retirees and older management.

I think you need to do your own evaluations about the ERO and what the REAL package is.

I could cut and paste and respond to your queries individually, but I am an old 55yr old driver and I have to get up in 7 hrs to run a peak load pkg car.
I will just stand with my first response I made in this archived thread that you have resurrected.

So what's your point?
Ups does not discriminate!
Every employee is hated equally.


Well-Known Member
I bet the "bring a dish" barbecues are interesting.

That would be very interesting. You play a game called ( who brought this dish)

I will say I have never seen any discrimination by management in my 26 yrs as a driver. Someone once posted ups hates us all equally.:its_all_good:


Why do all of Myron's posts say the same thing??? Take a look for yourself...hmmmmm...
Dear Hawk,

You may not read multiple forums; and I felt my post pertained to the forums I posted it in. Honestly I felt it prudent for everyone I work with to take a hard look at what they see. My best friends are in pain and afraid to stand up for what is happening.

It is easy to do if you are hourly, but for management; well there is not an avenue except if you are willing to hire an attorney and what 40+ year old would ever take that risk? So here is what management does...THEY PUT UP WITH IT AND TAKE IT UNTIL IT IMPACTS THEM---OOOPS TOO LATE!

SATELLITE DRIVER is tongue and cheek correct....everyone is equally hated.
However, if you take a closer look not everyone is BEING equally impacted.

I wouldn't even waste my time blogging except I have seen some very disturbing issues with regards to promotions, demotions, disabilities, and assignment changes. This goes back some time but has become more and more rampant.

It is not a secret that we were behind the 8 ball with regards to diversity; and have been found guilty in the past of multiple matters regarding discrimination. Interestingly, there seems to me to be only one logical reason to discriminate, and that is to save money--you can't save money by racial, gender or religious discrimination. UPS can however save money by discriminating based on age.

I merely want to point out what I have seen, make sure I am not the only one witnessing this and if possible stop it from happening to you.

Please analyze for yourself before passing judgement one way or another. It would be unfair for you to respond with prejudice without doing your own due diligence.


Hmm...Interesting, I'm still trying to figure out who the minority is in my hub ;)
Well, counting hourly? Based on what I know about your location here is my guess: Your hub including drivers if you are not in CACH is overwhelmingly 32 years or less of age. Not counting hourly typically 70% of your managment is above 40. Of your demoted managers, nearly 90% in the last 10 years have been operators, and virtually all are over 40. If you have demoted managers of less than age 40 nearly 100% were 39. Of your management on disability over 90% are over 40, of your new promotions: nearly 100% in the last 10 years are under 42. Of your management above 55, you may have 1 or 2. They are in the staff. Of your management reaching full retirement: You have maybe 3 in the last 10 years. It used to be more. Let me know how close I am.


No One in Particular
Dear Hawk,

You may not read multiple forums; and I felt my post pertained to the forums I posted it in. Honestly I felt it prudent for everyone I work with to take a hard look at what they see. My best friends are in pain and afraid to stand up for what is happening...

I guess that's your take, but when you start copy/pasting your thoughts into multiple different threads, it comes off a little insincere, and like you're pushing an agenda. Good luck with it.


Thank you for the note. I will keep it in mind. The pushing an agenda thing I'm not quite sure about. I mean what can I gain from telling others to keep an eye out for what might seem innocuous, but may not in fact be. The last thing I want to do is waste my time on some stupid blog unless it is helping someone.

If you're in management and have been around your district or region long enough to develop relationships with people, what I am talking about is not very hard to notice.

You may want to keep what I've mentioned close to the vest and take note, especially if you are looking to remain employed and would like to move upward-not down. If you are just a supervisor grunt and want to remain a supervisor still owe it to yourself to not take what I say lightly and keep track of what you see. It's happening to supervisors at a more rapid pace than managers....except UPS just fires supervisors...or they step down voluntarily.

UPS was the best company with less than the brightest people in the world before we went public. Now we are just a large corporately run enterprise with LESS than the world's brightest working for it and an enormously overpaid workforce relative to our competition throughout the world. THIS AIN'T NO PARTNERSHIP.

We will break the law if the frequency of getting caught is in our favor and the fines are less than the cost of doing it right; please don't kid yourself regarding this fact. I have been a manager for over 20 years and see the contract blown constantly. Laws are no different. It is money. We don't do things that cause arrests typically; but we will manage money.

If this were not so, UPS would not have had some of the largest litigations in US history against it. When we get caught-we get caught big, keep in mind though, most is settled out of court. Just keep an eye out Hawk...If I have an agenda, that's it.

Merry Christmas!



Life is a Highway...
Favoritism is a loose word around our center. If your manager is a womanizer or ethic background "they" will always be in a supe or managers good graces. I see it everyday, they never get written up, they never get reprimanded.

You try not to let it bother you but when they speak to each other in their native language its as if they're in a world you're not welcome in.