Stopping the next Sandy Hook massacre


Well-Known Member

Give all of us a break. The weapons and clips you speak of are NOT the problem with MURDERS in this country.

It is the ILLEGAL gun owners --which you completely want to ignore.

Also lets remove the secret service because of cost --all bank guards, all sporting event guards etc etc. You seem to believe that ARMED guards do not make any difference.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
YEAH ISLAND, armed guards.. theres a solution.

The weapons we are talking about banning can shoot at high velosity for up to two miles and penetrate light armor killing whoever is wearing it.

The NUT CASE who shot and killed those firemen over the holidays were shot at a distance of a 1/2 mile away with a bushmaster .223 with a scope and bipod.


1. My great-grandfathers Winchester model 1894 lever-action 30-30 deer rifle can easily defeat light armor such as the Kevlar Level IIIa typically worn by police officers that is only designed to defeat handgun bullets. This rifle was first manufactured in the year 1894, and has been a very popular choice for deer and black bear hunting for almost 120 years now. Are you proposing that we ban any hunting rifle that can defeat light armor? Light armor is just that...light. Its meant to defeat low velocity handgun rounds and buckshot, not rifle rounds. If you want to defeat high-powered rifle rounds you need to wear a trauma plate inside the armor. They are made of steel and ceramic and weigh about 40 pounds each (one in front, one in back), which is why cops dont normally wear them.

2. The nut case who shot the fireman was half a block away, not half a mile. Half a mile is 800 meters, which is at least twice the effective range of a .223 round fired from a scoped rifle. If you want to spout off on gun control then at least try to get your facts straight.

3. The nut case who shot the fireman could have accomplished the same thing using a conventional bolt or lever action hunting rifle. He ambushed them from a concealed position. His choice of weapon had no bearing on the outcome of the shooting.

4. The nut case who shot the fireman was already convicted felon who by law could not own firearms in the first place. He obtained the weapon illegally, thru a straw buyer. Instead of worrying the magazine capacity of a weapon that he was legally prohibited from even having, perhaps we should be asking why a man who beat his 75 year old grandmother to death with a claw hammer was out on parole from prison to begin with.


Nine Lives
TOS doesn't bother with FACTS. They get in his way.

I always start with the assumption that whatever TOS posts is made up.
I rarely take the time anymore when I try to verify his "facts" or for that matter to even read his posts.
Bottom line ... TOS has become a non-entity on Brown Cafe in consideration of the content of his posts.
This post has consumed more of my time with TOS than all of the last 3 months.
I post this because my life is better now that I have but TOS on virtual ignore.
Others should try it.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Give all of us a break. The weapons and clips you speak of are NOT the problem with MURDERS in this country.

It is the ILLEGAL gun owners --which you completely want to ignore.

Also lets remove the secret service because of cost --all bank guards, all sporting event guards etc etc. You seem to believe that ARMED guards do not make any difference.


why do you and the others continue to CONFUSE the issue at hand? We are speaking about MASS MURDERS and not murders. As I have said many times on this board, this is the MOST VIOLENT COUNTRY on the face of the earth.

We KILL more of our own citizens than ANY country that is suppose to be a civilized society. We will never STOP all murders with gun control, but that isnt the issue.

The issue is GUNS and CLIPS that can cause MASS carnage in schools, churches, malls and open areas where people gather. The clips you want to defend REDUCE the "survivability" of citizens as shooters can continuously shoot without reloading or going to a secondary weapon.

"SURVIVABLILITY" ISLAND, not prevention.

If you had a choice, do you think you could escape a white male with an AR15 with a 100 drum mag shooting at you or a pump shotgun with 5 rounds in it?

Which would you think would give you the greatest opportunity for "survival" ??

Keep it real brother.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
1. My great-grandfathers Winchester model 1894 lever-action 30-30 deer rifle can easily defeat light armor such as the Kevlar Level IIIa typically worn by police officers that is only designed to defeat handgun bullets. This rifle was first manufactured in the year 1894, and has been a very popular choice for deer and black bear hunting for almost 120 years now. Are you proposing that we ban any hunting rifle that can defeat light armor? Light armor is just that...light. Its meant to defeat low velocity handgun rounds and buckshot, not rifle rounds. If you want to defeat high-powered rifle rounds you need to wear a trauma plate inside the armor. They are made of steel and ceramic and weigh about 40 pounds each (one in front, one in back), which is why cops dont normally wear them.

2. The nut case who shot the fireman was half a block away, not half a mile. Half a mile is 800 meters, which is at least twice the effective range of a .223 round fired from a scoped rifle. If you want to spout off on gun control then at least try to get your facts straight.

3. The nut case who shot the fireman could have accomplished the same thing using a conventional bolt or lever action hunting rifle. He ambushed them from a concealed position. His choice of weapon had no bearing on the outcome of the shooting.

4. The nut case who shot the fireman was already convicted felon who by law could not own firearms in the first place. He obtained the weapon illegally, thru a straw buyer. Instead of worrying the magazine capacity of a weapon that he was legally prohibited from even having, perhaps we should be asking why a man who beat his 75 year old grandmother to death with a claw hammer was out on parole from prison to begin with.

As i indicated to you before, merely explaining the effects of other weapons doesnt justify the need for assault weapons. We can all agree that ALL guns can kill, and no one is suggesting that they dont.

The reality of the state of our nation is that we live amongst people who want to own guns by whatever means, and their mental states are such that they take those guns and go out and massacre people.

Its what our country has promoted and protected through the selling of weapons.

No one knows or will ever be able to find out what triggers a person to do such things, but I for one, dont want to live in a country that has to be a police state, with armed guards everywhere because we fear our fellow citizens.

More guns isnt the solution, banning all guns isnt the solution. Changing the mentality of gun owners IS.

Morons building bunkers and stockpiling bullets and clips and high powered weapons, waiting for the big battle with the goverment. THESE ARE THE PROBLEMS!

A political party and its talking heads promoting "the end of america as we know it" is creating the monsters that will ultimately shoot up the next school , church or goverment office.

The consitution provides that "we the people of the united states"... "shall establish domestic tranquility".... regulating guns , ammo and clips will do just that. Until YOU gun owners start to POLICE yourselves and notify authorities when you run into that person who is just NUTS enough to do some harm to others with weapons, these shootings will never end.

GUN owners want to look the other way everytime a massacre occurs. You ALL give the "oh bless the dead"... blah blah blah, but in reality, you worry that the massacre itself will somehow effect you and your guns which is really, your biggest concern.

Dead people mean nothing to gun owners. Thousands are killed and thousands commit suicide with guns, but that doesnt phase a single one of you.

Its an acceptable aspect of "your rights".

As for Illegal guns, the colorado shooter BOUGHT everything legally over the counter and ammo on the internet, including his 100 round drum mag.

I read as you all state you wont register your guns as that "tramples" on your liberties, but you will register your cars, trucks, boats, motorcycles and such, and that doesnt trample your liberty.

Give us a break. If you got nothing to hide, then you will register your weapons.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I always start with the assumption that whatever TOS posts is made up.
I rarely take the time anymore when I try to verify his "facts" or for that matter to even read his posts.
Bottom line ... TOS has become a non-entity on Brown Cafe in consideration of the content of his posts.
This post has consumed more of my time with TOS than all of the last 3 months.
I post this because my life is better now that I have but TOS on virtual ignore.
Others should try it.

BOO HOO. You never had anything relevant to add in the first place. Oh wait, "optimal decisions" that was your best contribution.




Well-Known Member
I always start with the assumption that whatever TOS posts is made up.
I rarely take the time anymore when I try to verify his "facts" or for that matter to even read his posts.
Bottom line ... TOS has become a non-entity on Brown Cafe in consideration of the content of his posts.
This post has consumed more of my time with TOS than all of the last 3 months.
I post this because my life is better now that I have but TOS on virtual ignore.
Others should try it.

I thought he got kicked out as he was missing for a bit but then I saw he was back. Maybe he was in timeout?

Regardless, he does make the place a bit more entertaining at times in that he does know the routine to make the dogs howl!

Gee Hoax, you of all people should be able to appreciate that.


Well-Known Member

Please do not take this the wrong way.

I like when TOS posts . I believe all of us should should voice our opinions and beliefs.

Just my opinion--not just with-- but including TOS--the Left has been become much more extreme in their views with the re-election of President Obama.

It is also very apparent with the President Himself. This is the time for all of us to pay attention or what we drink, what we eat,what TV or Radio we can listen to , what guns we can own if any, how many bullets in a clip, are we allowed to smoke , open borders, what cars we can drive, how much electricity we can use etc, etc.

The real shame of this --not to focus on TOS --his ego needs no boosting---Is the fact that President Obama did a great job of getting the non-informed and the "pop culture" and many "takers" that put him in a second term.

When you are dealing with -PCP-- a Pop Culture President --it is way more dangerous than the drug itself.

Time for all of us to pay attention and protect our Freedoms.

Hope you are enjoying your retirement !!:wink2:

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Please do not take this the wrong way.

I like when TOS posts . I believe all of us should should voice our opinions and beliefs.

Just my opinion--not just with-- but including TOS--the Left has been become much more extreme in their views with the re-election of President Obama.

It is also very apparent with the President Himself. This is the time for all of us to pay attention or what we drink, what we eat,what TV or Radio we can listen to , what guns we can own if any, how many bullets in a clip, are we allowed to smoke , open borders, what cars we can drive, how much electricity we can use etc, etc.

The real shame of this --not to focus on TOS --his ego needs no boosting---Is the fact that President Obama did a great job of getting the non-informed and the "pop culture" and many "takers" that put him in a second term.

When you are dealing with -PCP-- a Pop Culture President --it is way more dangerous than the drug itself.

Time for all of us to pay attention and protect our Freedoms.

Hope you are enjoying your retirement !!:wink2:

Here we go folks with the Rush Limpbaugh impressions again.. "low information voters"... Please, as if.

The majority of americans in this country voted for the right man for the job and they also rejected the Worst Party for the job.

No matter how you or limpbaugh defines the election, the GOP platform was rejected and the president re elected by large margins.

You want to blame anyone for losing this election? Blame yourself and the morelucks of the party who nominated Mitt Romney just because he is a billionaire.

We tried to tell you from day one that MITT had no chance, but you all bet the farm on that maroon, and look how it came out.

Your party is dead. It needs to re tool, and by "re tool" I dont mean install sean hannity or limbaugh.

Both of those men were IRRELEVANT to the election or its outcome. IN fact, I would say both men HURTS the party the more they keep talking.

Plenty of intelligent people voted for Obama, and no "cute" phrasing by limpbaugh can change the facts Island.

"low information voters".... so far, that only applies to GOP voters.

If you watch FOX for your information, you can consider yourself a "low information voter".




Nine Lives
I thought he got kicked out as he was missing for a bit but then I saw he was back. Maybe he was in timeout?

Regardless, he does make the place a bit more entertaining at times in that he does know the routine to make the dogs howl!

Gee Hoax, you of all people should be able to appreciate that.

He gets put into Mod queue on occasions but I think it was voluntary after the election.

Yes he does and I respect that.

Like I said, I do respect his abilities and if I was not a Mod, I might appreciate it more.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
If you had a choice, do you think you could escape a white male with an AR15 with a 100 drum mag shooting at you or a pump shotgun with 5 rounds in it?

Which would you think would give you the greatest opportunity for "survival" ??

Keep it real brother.



1. The skin color/ethnic background/gender of the person who pulls the trigger has no effect on the lethality of the projectile that is discharged from the weapon. Guns and bullets have no racial or gender bias.

2. If I am within about 25 yards of the shooter then it would be the 12 gauge shotgun that I would fear more than the AR-15. A load of 12-gauge buckshot at that range will just about cut somebody in half, even a marginal hit will blow off an arm or a leg. Shotties are gruesome weapons at close range, its only when you extend it out to 40+ yards that the AR-15 has an advantage in my humble opinion.

If you want to "keep it real" my brother, perhaps you should take the time to educate yourself about firearms rather than relying on reruns of "A-Team" as your sole source of information about them.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
1. The skin color/ethnic background/gender of the person who pulls the trigger has no effect on the lethality of the projectile that is discharged from the weapon. Guns and bullets have no racial or gender bias.

2. If I am within about 25 yards of the shooter then it would be the 12 gauge shotgun that I would fear more than the AR-15. A load of 12-gauge buckshot at that range will just about cut somebody in half, even a marginal hit will blow off an arm or a leg. Shotties are gruesome weapons at close range, its only when you extend it out to 40+ yards that the AR-15 has an advantage in my humble opinion.

If you want to "keep it real" my brother, perhaps you should take the time to educate yourself about firearms rather than relying on reruns of "A-Team" as your sole source of information about them.

No matter how you try to "spin" the effects of guns, you continue to evade the real issue. Survivability. Justifying the actions of all guns in an attempt to equalize them only hinders your spin.

If they are all equal in lethality, then they should all go.

I dont want to have to live in the kind of "police state" that you apparently want to live in. If we arm schools, then we will have to arm malls, churches, sporting events, beaches, mountains or even the local 7/11 just to protect us from the gun nuts plauging this country.

If you want to propose that all guns have equal killing power and no matter what weapon is used the outcome will remain the same, then you and I are finally in agreement.

Answer me this, at what level do you think you would lose your mind and take your weapons and strike back at society at large?? You already hate some parts of society, as you call california "the peoples republic".. and such, so that demonstrates you are already at the first stage of hating society.

What would it take for you to get pushed over the edge? A family indescretion plus losing your job, plus foreclosing on your home and maybe another black president?

Where is your theshold?




Well-Known Member
Here we go folks with the Rush Limpbaugh impressions again.. "low information voters"... Please, as if.

The majority of americans in this country voted for the right man for the job and they also rejected the Worst Party for the job.

No matter how you or limpbaugh defines the election, the GOP platform was rejected and the president re elected by large margins.

You want to blame anyone for losing this election? Blame yourself and the morelucks of the party who nominated Mitt Romney just because he is a billionaire.

We tried to tell you from day one that MITT had no chance, but you all bet the farm on that maroon, and look how it came out.

Your party is dead. It needs to re tool, and by "re tool" I dont mean install sean hannity or limbaugh.

Both of those men were IRRELEVANT to the election or its outcome. IN fact, I would say both men HURTS the party the more they keep talking.

Plenty of intelligent people voted for Obama, and no "cute" phrasing by limpbaugh can change the facts Island.

"low information voters".... so far, that only applies to GOP voters.

If you watch FOX for your information, you can consider yourself a "low information voter".




Thank you for giving me the words of wisdom from Rush ---actually like the term "low information Voter"

You accused me of using it --look a little closer.

Where did I get that from ? You seem to be very up on Radio and TV. Maybe MsNBC or the new CNN ??