Storming the Capitol


Never bought my own handtruck


Inordinately Right
So insurgents "stormed the capitol" and tried to overthrow the government?

Yet now Congress is already back to work.
How did they clear out these violent terrorists?
What is the cost of the damages?
How many police were injured?

Liberals are such drama queens.


Well-Known Member
The leaders and the Media.
The Media deserves the most blame to day because they have been lying for years and nobody believes the media now when they try to debunk Trump's lies and misinformation about the election.

And before the Repugs attack me, "Yeah, I think there was a concerted and organized effort by DimWit operatives to 'steal' the election by getting state's election laws nullified without going through the Constitutionally mandated (womandated) process.
The DimWits outsmarted the Repugs in the last election and now the Repugs need to go to all states with RePug controlled legislation houses and get more solid laws passed to rectify the misfeasance of existing laws in the November 3 and January 5th elections.
If it can be done in Florida it can be done everywhere there's a Republican controlled legislature. Not a chance in hell Democrat controlled states will do it.