Strike authorization vote for 705

Recourse? Cross the line and they are no longer teamsters. When the strike is over those scabs only hope or death sentence is to be promoted to management.

Three crossed the line here in 97. Only one is still with the company and is still considered an un-person by many. As soon as the strike was over he put in a letter to become management and is still waiting 11 years later so you can see how loyal the company is to people who cross and help them.


Browncafe Steward
I am greatly disappointed in you 705red... using this forum to make threats of violence is absolutely not acceptable.
I had no intention of coming acroos in a threatening manner and i believed the way i worded it was humorous, with the "going to my trunk with the intent to" which is contract language talk. I do apoligize if anyone felt threatened by that, but also hope you guys will plan on staying away from chicago in august. (last part is not a threat)


I had no intention of coming acroos in a threatening manner and i believed the way i worded it was humorous, with the "going to my trunk with the intent to" which is contract language talk. I do apoligize if anyone felt threatened by that, but also hope you guys will plan on staying away from chicago in august. (last part is not a threat)

Now red you may have meant it as a joke but we do know there is a lot of truth to your comment.


Three crossed the line here in 97. Only one is still with the company and is still considered an un-person by many. As soon as the strike was over he put in a letter to become management and is still waiting 11 years later so you can see how loyal the company is to people who cross and help them.

More an act of stupidity then loyalty. We had quite a few that wanted to cross. We told them that they should wait for their own safety and piece of mind.


I am a 710 member out of Southern Illinois. I never see my Business Agent, or anyone else from 710. When i do they act just as cocky as UPS management. We make $28 an hour and have good insurance. 710 wants $1.00 a year raise? Can you really justify us making $33 in 5 years. I already have enough work on my truck. The more we make the less routes they put on. I am honest and I dont care if UPS wants to use GPS or not. I do my job the way they tell me. As far as picket lines, I cant say that i wont cross it, I have a family that counts on me, that's more important than anything. If we strike and the public finds out we make $28 an hour and have free insurance, bye bye union. In this economy we cant strike, take what the national got and be happy.
710 wants $1.00 a year raise? Can you really justify us making $33 in 5 years.

10 years ago could you have justified us making $28 now?

If we strike and the public finds out we make $28 an hour and have free insurance, bye bye union.

10 years ago the public found out we made 20some dollars an hour with insurance. I think we still have a union.

In this economy we cant strike, take what the national got and be happy.

Your not getting the point. They don`t want to even give us what the national got. If your not happy talk to the FedEx guy on your route and see if he`ll trade places with you.

U(s)PS Guy

Well-Known Member
cachsux - I find that last point you made ironic. Brown and FedEx Ground make daily deliveries to my building. The FedEx driver worked for UPS for 7 years and left because of "all the union crap" in her words. I'm not making an argument for or against anything here, so go ahead and unwad your panties. Just saying...
When wearing panties,to prevent wading I recommend a thong.

I too worked side by side with a FedEx guy on my pkg route,great guy. Our routes were all retail so after a while we developed a system where we would leapfrog our stops so that one or the other was always getting the next business to open their doors for delivery. I made a ton of bonus,he was successful enough to buy a second truck and have another driver run a route for him. Long story short in the end FedEx screwed him and left him holding two trucks and no routes. I know he wouldn`t have had that problem with a union.

Some people want to avoid conflict and take whats offered. I have a feeling they have no idea what is being offered. I also have a feeling they don`t realize what they have now is because people stood up a refused to just take what was offered in the past.


Browncafe Steward
I am a 710 member out of Southern Illinois. I never see my Business Agent, or anyone else from 710. When i do they act just as cocky as UPS management. We make $28 an hour and have good insurance. 710 wants $1.00 a year raise? Can you really justify us making $33 in 5 years. I already have enough work on my truck. The more we make the less routes they put on. I am honest and I dont care if UPS wants to use GPS or not. I do my job the way they tell me. As far as picket lines, I cant say that i wont cross it, I have a family that counts on me, that's more important than anything. If we strike and the public finds out we make $28 an hour and have free insurance, bye bye union. In this economy we cant strike, take what the national got and be happy.
Are you saying that what you are asking for is outrageous? Or the exact same as what you have have received over the last contract?

At this point in 705 we have not received any monetary proposals. We are having our vote over alot of the language that cant/wont be allowed into the contract that will directly effect alot of us over the next 5 years.

Have you seen any of your proposed contract yet?


Two minute Therapist
correct me if I'm wrong, but is it not the whole idea of a consolidation hub to save a ton of money by combining loads and not sending out multiply partial loads!(meaning that a destination will get 2 100% loaded trailers as opposed to 10 partially loaded trailers to equal those two) I'm sure that will be cost effective.
Don't overstate the importance of the CACH hub. Its a consolidation hub. If it shuts down UPS builds more direct loads from the origin buildings. We've been in business over 100 years with most of that time being without the CACH hub. The direct loads would improve time in transit performance but result in more damages due to the extra handles on the packages.

The biggest issues would be the transfer of rail loads in chicago and the delivery and pickup of packages to a top three city.
correct me if I'm wrong, but is it not the whole idea of a consolidation hub to save a ton of money by combining loads and not sending out multiply partial loads!(meaning that a destination will get 2 100% loaded trailers as opposed to 10 partially loaded trailers to equal those two) I'm sure that will be cost effective.

Along with loading our own tlrs we also top off tons of tlrs passing through. With the rail yards close by especially the one next door. I have personally on one shift picked up a tlr off the track next door and then latter in the day taken the same tlrs right back to be loaded on another train. If we send anything out less than 100% its a cleanup tlr thats held until the absolute final minute. When I was out of Addison before the Cach opened I would take partial tlrs to the rail yards all the time.


Browncafe Steward
How many of you out there are drinking a coca cola right now as your on the computer?

Anyone aware that coke has been on strike for 6 days already?

Unless everyone refuses to purchase coke they could be out for some more time.
What happened to the good union man/woman? I remember growing up and being brought to picket lines by my father and uncles. It wasnt their picket lines, but they still had to go and show support. Back then you showed up with a couple of cases a beer and sandwiches, hung out and hepled with the morale of the picketers.

Now you will walk into your grocery store and purchase a case of struck coke because its your favorite, why not buy pepsi or rc right now. Help these people that have been providing a great tasting refreshment to you and your family for years. When we stick together we all win.

This isnt just about coke or the possible chicago ups strike upcoming. This is about the people that are now hired into these union jobs that have no clue! They come in now and are making $28 an hour with medical and they take it for granted. What about the people that came before us to allow us to get to were we are at?

Now i see people pooring into anti union companies as walmart spending their union negotiated wages helping one of the biggest anti-union companies. People wake up and stand together as union brothers and sisters or the labor movement will only weaken.

Now seriously help our fellow union brothers and sisters out and boycott coca cola!


correct me if I'm wrong, but is it not the whole idea of a consolidation hub to save a ton of money by combining loads and not sending out multiply partial loads!(meaning that a destination will get 2 100% loaded trailers as opposed to 10 partially loaded trailers to equal those two) I'm sure that will be cost effective.

its a model that should eliminate hub handles by building loads directly to the preloads. However it never has worked well So in our case the consolidation hub builds some preloads and they build the hub loads they were supposed to eliminate.

This after years of running a huge oversized hub that achieves poor productivity results despite its being partially automated.

my guess someone looks at the huge cost of this oversized experiment and starts shutting down entire sorts within 5 years.


Browncafe Steward
its a model that should eliminate hub handles by building loads directly to the preloads. However it never has worked well So in our case the consolidation hub builds some preloads and they build the hub loads they were supposed to eliminate.

This after years of running a huge oversized hub that achieves poor productivity results despite its being partially automated.

my guess someone looks at the huge cost of this oversized experiment and starts shutting down entire sorts within 5 years.

Your kidding, right? Were else can you 6000 people working at minimum wage working this hard? Im talking without guards with whips!

Cach has its own bus terminal, its like watching the old pyramids being built the way you treats these kids! Bus comes and drops off a full load, 10 minutes later a full load geta back onto the bus. Dont tell me you cant turn those ptime positions into 22.3 jobs and get better production out of them.
Since the Cach is the newest building in the region next to the expansion near Joliet I think eventually the older buildings will basically become big package car centers with preload tlrs being delivered in the early a.m. and outgoing pkgs bulk loaded and sent to the Cach for sorting and destination reloading. I went pkg out of Palatine when it was new in 89 but when I started in Addison that bldg was getting old and blown out then. I`ve been to just about every bldg around at one point or another and they all show their age especially when it comes to dealing with urban growth.
Cach has its own bus terminal, its like watching the old pyramids being built the way you treats these kids! Bus comes and drops off a full load, 10 minutes later a full load geta back onto the bus. Dont tell me you cant turn those ptime positions into 22.3 jobs and get better production out of them.

Cach`s bus terminals and bus lines are company subsidized even.

If Cach part timers are building the pyramids does that mean I could grow up to be Moses? I can see it now. I`ll part the sanitation canal to the East and lead my people to freedom.:happy2: