Some of the language in this contract might indicate just how long it will take to get this thing ratified:
No newly created full time positions in the first year. (The company will not have to backpay into any benefit plans or dovetail seniority).
In the IBT/UPS pension no increases for the full timers till 1 January 2020. (An attempt to retain most of the Senior Feeder department who are eligible for service pension from leaving early before the Contact is passed).
Current lower seniority regular package car drivers that are working Saturdays will have to work that schedule for a year and one half. (Does anybody really believe that it would take the company a year and one half to implement these new 22.4s into their operations)
70 cent raise in the first year. (Cost savings with the retro payments).
With the current (Transformation Project) most of the Higher Seniority partners will not be leaving till March 2019 or longer. (Some of the companies negotiating committee members with the time in will not be eligible to leave till this contract is ratified.)
Both negotiating parties might get real lucky and squeak the "Master" through, but everybody should of figured out by now that most of the "Supplements and Riders" will be voted down on the first round. The last contract would support that, just study the voting results from 2013 (The "Master ") barely passed by 4,000 votes and most of the Supplements went down, the big one being the Central Supplement.)
Face reality it will be a long, long time before this one is settled or am I reading the tea leaves wrong on this one?