Strike vote results


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Very nice result. For reference, the 1997 strike vote was 95% yes. In 2002, the last time a vote was held, it was 93%.

I remember the l997 strike vote, it was taken with a raising of hands in our local union hall. The 2002 strike vote I do not remember how it was taken, thinking the same way. It appears that the straw vote on BC was pretty accurate, basically it shows that any contract presented to membership will more than likely be voted down. The 2013 one left a lot of scars and everybody has a axe to grind on this one, it better be a HELL of a contract to pass master and supplements, it's going to be a long summer people start getting ready.

Taking a guess on participation on the strike vote of 50 percent of membership, it doesn't matter the people what percentage did vote, they will be the same who will decide this contract. The more the company stonewalls at the negotiation table, the cost of this contract on the bottom line increases, even if they give everything the the International and membership is asking for they will not be bankrupt in three of five years till the next one. Again the money is there.

Currently the HR department is dragging the bottom of the barrel in the labor market for warm bodies, advertising for feeders at l8.75 an hour. You can only imagine who will be busting down the door to get to that opportunity, they are creating a nightmare scenario of liability and unsafe work methods by not hiring seasoned professionals who are probably making twice that with other transport companies. We know from last peak just how prepared corporate is when under distress, expect a lot of stupid stuff as Aug 1 approaches.

Frankie's Friend

What happens to our vacation week if we go on strike? I put my request in for my vacation on the first week of August awhile back.
Hope it's the week ending on 08-04-18. You should be fine. If it's the WE 08-11-18 and we are on strike it could be be interesting given the payroll issues at hand now.


Got the T-Shirt
One things for sure....

The company can't replace the entire Union workforce with management people.



163 stops
45 businesses
2 pickups
6x 10:30 commit (spread out over the route)

97 miles
382 pieces

I'm in a 700 so it's plugged

ORION dispatch says I'll be done at 17:43

If we strike soley to get rid of Orion I'll be happy. It's a joke. These are :censored2:ing peak season numbers without a helper and there is no way I'm going to be done before 8:00....I don't sandbag and roll over either. But I'm also not a runner and Gunner. I work hard but I also work fair. I take my lunches and breaks.


I started UPS in 85, started driving in 86 and enjoyed the strike of 97. Now, has the company changed in 33 years? You better believe it has. I’m still driving and am in relatively good health. I’ve got my pension, 401k, and social security available when I finally decide to hang it up. But what bothers me is coming to work each morning and watching drivers who haven’t been with the company very long. I think to myself if these drivers will make it to retirement age. How can one keep up the pace...each day,each month, and each year. I don’t think it can be done.


I started UPS in 85, started driving in 86 and enjoyed the strike of 97. Now, has the company changed in 33 years? You better believe it has. I’m still driving and am in relatively good health. I’ve got my pension, 401k, and social security available when I finally decide to hang it up. But what bothers me is coming to work each morning and watching drivers who haven’t been with the company very long. I think to myself if these drivers will make it to retirement age. How can one keep up the pace...each day,each month, and each year. I don’t think it can be done.

eats packages

Deranged lunatic
163 stops
45 businesses
2 pickups
6x 10:30 commit (spread out over the route)

97 miles
382 pieces

I'm in a 700 so it's plugged

ORION dispatch says I'll be done at 17:43

If we strike soley to get rid of Orion I'll be happy. It's a joke. These are :censored2:ing peak season numbers without a helper and there is no way I'm going to be done before 8:00....I don't sandbag and roll over either. But I'm also not a runner and Gunner. I work hard but I also work fair. I take my lunches and breaks.
No s*
It is just some random day in june and yet our volume is through the roof. Routes are not getting cut anymore, the whole center just has 10000 more packages daily than last week. They must be advancing loads early or holding them late in other areas.