student debt


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Remind you of a certain billionaire running for high political office who is always begging for money?
Nope. Not at all.

Anyway, you are free to beg for college money if you choose to. You borrow that money, follow the rules and pay it back or don't borrow.

Commercial Inside Release

Well-Known Member
That's the point I was trying to make...
These so called college kids cannot even be arsed to read the student loan docs they signed and the law, even though they have Google on their phone. The debts cannot be discharged. So, they will spend thousands in court getting their finances rearranged by the creditor, end up with their wages garnished, and their credit perma-trashed... And in the end they will pay it back, or hide in their parents basement for 5-7 years.

How did they get like this? Why is non-dischargeable credit card debt at an all time high? Who is telling them, that if they whine and cry hard enough, they'll just be given a massive $20k-100,000 hand out?


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
President Harris isn't using her donations to pay off legal fees and judgements.
Who cares what she or anyone else does or doesn't do with private donations? Same goes with private donations to any college student.

Tax dollars is an entirely different animal.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Who cares what she or anyone else does or doesn't do with private donations? Same goes with private donations to any college student.

Tax dollars is an entirely different animal.
How can you compare giving your hard earned money to a convicted felon to contributing to a college student?


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Point is, college loans are your choice. Pay them back or don't take them. Not taxpayers responsibility to pay your tuition.