Stupid arguments about the Ground business model


Well-Known Member
That depends on which information you're talking about. Is there something in particular you think I lied about?
You lied about the voter law, despite having it easily available. If you are going to lie, make sure it is about something not so easily checked. Even most children know that.


Well-Known Member
As I pointed out there have been lawsuits filed. Let's see if they have merit. And apparently in your view only whites have the superpower of standing in line.
Except that fewer voting booths in predominantly black areas makes lines longer in black areas. Thus, blacks are much more greatly affected by the law. And the georgia law allows ANYONE to anonymously challenge ANY voters right to vote, and we all know it will the klansmen like you who will be challenging every vote in every predominantly black area. And the predominantly white legislature can remove any election board member of any county by a secret vote only on allegations. And do you think the white republican legislature is going to be removing their own party members???????


Well-Known Member
We've heard it thousands of times claims about voter suppression but when it comes time for you voter suppression people to put your balls on the anvil you have no evidence balls to place on the anvil .
I'll try once again to break it down simple enough that even you can understand it. There was no wide spread fraud or voter suppression in the LAST election that had record voter turnout which was confirmed by the highest ranking member of the your party. The burden then shifts to you to supply credible evidence to the contrary. The performance of the last electoral process was record setting on all fronts. Whether you want to believe it or not makes no difference now.

BTW . Stacey Abrams has a Masters and J.D. from Yale. What have you got to stack up beside her credentials sufficient to make what you've got to say credible and deserving of attention.


Inordinately Right
Except that fewer voting booths in predominantly black areas makes lines longer in black areas. Thus, blacks are much more greatly affected by the law.
Except that the law created language to reduce wait times at polling places. Just more left wing lies you've fallen for. Very sad.


Inordinately Right
There was no wide spread fraud or voter suppression in the LAST election that had record voter turnout which was confirmed by the highest ranking member of the your party. The burden then shifts to you to supply credible evidence to the contrary. The performance of the last electoral process was record setting on all fronts. Whether you want to believe it or not makes no difference now.

BTW . Stacey Abrams has a Masters and J.D. from Yale. What have you got to stack up beside her credentials sufficient to make what you've got to say credible and deserving of attention.
Your comment is a total deflection from the fact that you have no evidence of voter suppression.

You radical far left wingers need to stop undermining faith in our elections by pushing your baseless conspiracy theories.


Well-Known Member
Your comment is a total deflection from the fact that you have no evidence of voter suppression.

You radical far left wingers need to stop undermining faith in our elections by pushing your baseless conspiracy theories.
You have no evidence of voter fraud that changed the outcome of the election. All you had was a picture of a food delivery truck delivery boxes of food to poll workers counting ballots.


Well-Known Member
And we've said repeatedly that fraud didn't happen everywhere. But when it came down to a handful of swing states that had so many odd things happening, it's not hard to imagine something highly irregular was happening. So let's tighten up the rules Republican legislatures so that we can all rest easy that there's little to no chance of fraud. Because that's what we all want, right?
The only odd thing that happened in the swing states was the Georgia vote total having to be counted THREE TIMES and Trump still lost despite his strong arming Georgia state election officials to find him 11,780 votes. Or could it have been that mysterious rental truck backed up to the polls to collect and deliver ballots? You know the rental truck that the county rents every year to handle ballots and the fact that they do it is on public record. Or are you talking about that woman in Michigan who testified that she saw voting machine manipulation at the polls where she worked..... She was the cleaning lady who didn't know a damn thing about voting machine technology. .


Well-Known Member
Nope. You said christians were responsible for spreading civilization.
And? I in no way said only they. But you took exception to my saying our system of laws today are based on Judeo-Christian tradition. That Christianity was a civilizing force in Western Civilization.


Well-Known Member
It is more limited than previously, and harder to do. Those two facts make voting by mail more restrictive.
Again you are wrong. The new law expanded the amount of time. Georgia has considerably more days than the state of New York. Better get after those racist New Yorkers.


Well-Known Member
No. But the government should not be making it harder for her. Having a mail in ballot delivered to her that she can mail back anytime before the election without fear it will not be counted, or not needing to pay a notary public to verify her signature, or not requiring that she stand in long lines because there is only one polling place, open at limited times, in her neighborhood for 200k people, and if she is feeling faint, not making it a crime to give her water if she does manage to get to the polls is racist when those conditions apply mostly to blacks all would make it easier. Mostly white areas have more polling places, more people comfortable giving rides to residents, and more voting booths per resident, so white people don't face the issue of needing to get water while waiting. If white people don't need to wait as much, denying water is clearly intended to make it harder for blacks. If she feels faint while waiting in line, why should it be a crime to give her water?????????????
Don't you remember? Tex is one of those "Christian" type people. If he's a true Christian he would be fully supportive of the measures that were taken that were designed to make life easier and better for his fellow man and including standing in opposition to efforts to keep their voices from being heard. It's people like him is why I got out of organized religion. Why? Because it's more like organized racism as well as the preservation of white supremacy.


Inordinately Right
The only odd thing that happened in the swing states was the Georgia vote total having to be counted THREE TIMES and Trump still lost despite his strong arming Georgia state election officials to find him 11,780 votes. Or could it have been that mysterious rental truck backed up to the polls to collect and deliver ballots? You know the rental truck that the county rents every year to handle ballots and the fact that they do it is on public record. Or are you talking about that woman in Michigan who testified that she saw voting machine manipulation at the polls where she worked..... She was the cleaning lady who didn't know a damn thing about voting machine technology. .
Signature verification was never allowed in Fulton county. The American people deserved to have claims of voter fraud shut down so we wouldn't have to even have this conversation.

Instead Democrats gas light and cry about this stuff.


Well-Known Member
Except that fewer voting booths in predominantly black areas makes lines longer in black areas. Thus, blacks are much more greatly affected by the law. And the georgia law allows ANYONE to anonymously challenge ANY voters right to vote, and we all know it will the klansmen like you who will be challenging every vote in every predominantly black area. And the predominantly white legislature can remove any election board member of any county by a secret vote only on allegations. And do you think the white republican legislature is going to be removing their own party members???????
Again with the racism. Is that all you have? Lawsuits have been filed. If they have merit it'll be sorted out.


Well-Known Member
The only odd thing that happened in the swing states was the Georgia vote total having to be counted THREE TIMES and Trump still lost despite his strong arming Georgia state election officials to find him 11,780 votes. Or could it have been that mysterious rental truck backed up to the polls to collect and deliver ballots? You know the rental truck that the county rents every year to handle ballots and the fact that they do it is on public record. Or are you talking about that woman in Michigan who testified that she saw voting machine manipulation at the polls where she worked..... She was the cleaning lady who didn't know a damn thing about voting machine technology. .
Let's not forget count observers being forced out and windows covered. Or shutting down machines. Or telling everyone to go home then pulling suitcases full of ballots from concealed locations. A lot of strange things.


Well-Known Member
Again you are wrong. The new law expanded the amount of time. Georgia has considerably more days than the state of New York. Better get after those racist New Yorkers.
Of course they'll need additional days in Georgia. First they'll need time to go out and gather up the people who died waiting in line to vote. In addition the "klan" will need time to remove the poll workers and get their own people in place and up to speed to see to it that the election results "go the right way" and make certain that in 2024 Trump will most definitely get enough votes to win Georgia.


Well-Known Member
Again with the racism. Is that all you have? Lawsuits have been filed. If they have merit it'll be sorted out.
When the official photo showing Kemp signing the bill into law and surrounded entirely by old white men all standing in front of a painting of a Georgia plantation said everything that needed to be said about the bill's intent. And rest assured that photo burned a permanent image into the minds of Georgians especially those who grew up in the Jim Crow South.