Re: Stupidvisors working...
Well a positive out of all of this garbage is at least since you think they had no fuel we do not have to listen to how we went to war in Iraq for the oil. I am guessing you think they were using some kind of magic bullets in their weapons.
It is amazing how some of you guys make light of the work our men and women in the military have done over there. Yes I am saying our military has done an incredible job and yes the Iraqi Army tried to put up a fight in the invasion they were defending their country. Yes our military is that good but I never heard anyone think they had magic bullets before, that is priceless.
Glad you decided to join the usual your style of immitating El Rushbo has failed you. Alas, I take great humor in your post!!
One of the most humorous aspect of this blogging board, is the multitudes of replies that take a post out of context and attempt to insult the original poster. You are no exception. As usual, you have extracted something out of context of the original debate and attempted to insult my intelligence. Thanks for the laugh!
First, lets take a look at what you said, then we can examine what you asked me:
Well a positive out of all of this garbage is at least since you think they had no fuel we do not have to listen to how we went to war in Iraq for the oil.
Ok, I get it...war for oil, a claim antiwar protesters make all the time. One problem with your theory. The Iraqi tanks were T55 and T62 russian made v12 diesel engines that DO NOT run on oil.
OOOPS, diesel engines? Thats right, they run on diesel fuel and diesel fuel is a by-product of refined gasoline, not OIL.
Glad you could share your depth in knowledge with us all! LMAO.
Second, you stated:
I am guessing you think they were using some kind of magic bullets in their weapons.
Wow, magic bullets? Look genius, I never said the Iraqis didnt fight back the best they could, in fact, of the hundreds of weapons recovered from captured soldiers, some were from the WWII era. Most had a limited supply of ammo and by the time coalition forces reached them, they were out of ammo.
What you missed was the point of my response to a claim tieguy made.
Tieguy responded to a statement I made about the US attacking a defenseless country. He said our military faced a formidable army.
My response was simply pointing out that a majority of the Iraqi soldiers quickly surrendered to our military might when confronted, and for those small percentage of soldiers without command and control tried to fight but were quickly disposed of. They were the ones without adequate supplies (ammo, diesel fuel, water).
Saddam had fake tanks in the desert as a destraction to coalition forces and the historical record reflects this. These "tanks" were easily destroyed as they put up no fight.
I apologize If i ruined an episode of "War Stories with Oliver North" for you, but the IRAQI army proved anything but formidable.
Over 40 thousand prisoners were taken during the first few days of the invasion, over 30 thousand soldiers were estimated to have been killed.
In the first 3 months coalition troops lost 65, 74, 37 troops respectively. Of these loses, 5 % of them were non combat related accidents or suicides.
We suffered minor loses as compared to the Iraqi military and this disqualifies the IRAQI army as being considered FORMIDABLE. Officially, we lost 187 men and women by the time we arrived in Bagdad.
No amount of exageration can create an illusion of FORMIDABLE using these casualty numbers by comparision.
Our men and women have fought bravely and no antiwar protester thinks any different. The IRAQIS were not capable of defending themselves to the degree that was sold to the American public.
Without the ablity to maintain supply lines to its army because of No functional air force, No functional anti aircraft systems, No effective radar systems, No effective transport vehicles to transport supplies to the front lines, the coalition forces effectively cut off all the front line soldiers from the rear and they COULD NOT BE RESUPPLIED.
Thus, no ammo, no fuel, no water.
Give us a break man, hype gets young men and women killed, facts may save some of them.
My response was, is and shall remain that the Iraqi Army was unable to defend itself initially from the overpowering firepower of the last remaining superpower of the world.
You said:
Yes I am saying our military has done an incredible job and yes the Iraqi Army tried to put up a fight in the invasion they were defending their country. Yes our military is that good but I never heard anyone think they had magic bullets before, that is priceless.
We can all agree as Americans that our fighting men and women did an exemplary job intially, but the time has come for them to come home and protect the homeland and stop being in the middle of a civil war that will ultimately kill as many US soldiers as the republicans are willing to waste.
Indeed, our fighting men and women have fought bravely and their sacrifices are respected.
But not all are heroes to be congratulated.
I can post hundreds of court martials of US service personnel for crimes such as rape, murder, robbery, assault, desertion and deriliction of duty.
If you would like to open that pandoras box, I would be glad to oblige you.
In fact, as case in point, just within the last couple of weeks, trials for a sniper team have concluded with convictions and sentencing of 10 years each for a multitude of charges stemming from the murders of innocent iraqi citizens.
The sniper teams were "ordered" to lay down bomb making materials on roads while the snipers "sat in wait" and shot dead anyone picking up the materials. The dead persons were then photographed and then reported to the US military as "terrorists killed". In all cases, all killed persons were innocent civilians just at the wrong place at the wrong time.
The case is deep, and to date, only sgt levels and down have been convicted, and the superiors involved were simply reassigned and removed from the theatre.
Dont expect any medals to be handed out here.
I am an anti-IRAQ war protester. I invest heavily in researching facts and data.
You ask, i will provide,