So hundreds or thousands of grievances on this issue would mean nothing. I respect your posts on this forum a great deal but my and other members filing on this issue in great numbers would show the international and the company how we the members and the union feel. To not file on this is a defeatist attitude.
The international isnt concerned with "local" filings. The international responds to direct communications from its members. The international knows what it agreed to, and making a bunch of "paper tigers" out of grievance filers will only get someone in trouble with the company.
Taking unnecessary "heat" from excessive filings against the company is only "stirring" up local trouble. If you want to get the internationals attention, then write a well formatted, well defined letter to James P. Hoffa and CC to hall.
Begin the letter with :
Dear Brother Hoffa,
""insert the blah blah blah here".
Filing thousands of grievances against the company for an action approved by the international is foolish advice. Indeed, in the last contract negotiations, the Hoffa administration dropped the ball on many issues, diverting packages is one of them. The company has stretched the limits of the language in many areas and its hall who needs to be held accountable.
The company knows exactly how we feel, and filing thousands of grievances will not change the companies positions.
You call it a "defeatist attitude"? NO, its really simple, those members who ratified this last contract are responsible, I said in the begining, VOTE THIS CONTRACT DOWN, but no one listened.
There were many aspects of the contract that I personally spoke about at the time, that are NOW major concerns. This is one of them.
We were defeated on this issue the moment the contract was ratified.
We will not win this battle upsetting the local supervision over an issue they cannot change, and motivating other drivers to file senselessly will only bring someone some unwanted trouble. If you personally want to repeatedly file on this issue and die on that hill, thats your business, but the real effective messaging will be done by informing the brotherhood directly and with force.
Use your energies to motivate the membership to write to both Hoffa and Hall and express your feelings and effects of this practice in your respective centers. Tell them that you will vote for change if they dont responsibly address this issue of diversion in this next contract.
Creating "paper tigers" in the yard is not recommended.
We will win on this issue if we address the Teamsters collectively.
I dont mean to upset you, only to inform you of a better way.