Für Meno :)
ya this economy is just charging ahead , why they have reported 36,000
new homes for March, 2010.
Just down a shade of the 136,000 reported way back in March of 2008.
In fact you would have to look back to 1970 to find another month with such a low monthly increase.
So, you wanna compare the fake housing boom numbers, (the very thing that took the economy into a deep dive) with todays "realistic" numbers. ???
I'm surprised houses are even being built.
In southern Florida 3 or 4 homes per block had either a forsale or foreclosure sign attached to them.
Enough used homes to choose from, by all means.
It will be a while to see new homesales ever reach those fake Bush year booms, again, if thats even possible with only legitimate, credit-worthy borrowers.