

nowhere special
An article from Jan. 2013' in the UK's Mail Online that was later deleted with no explanation causes me to step back and watch what develops from this alleged Sarin Gas attack that is blamed on Assad.

U.S. 'backed plan to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria and blame it on Assad's regime'

As to the deletion of the article, there are many reasons it could have been deleted, reasons that were justified but at the same time I still wonder is a long ago quote from someone who understands the use of gov't lies and deceptions a fact in any and all of this too.

"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State."
- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels

The tragic irony that Sarin gas was created in 1938' by the German company IG Farben.

Assad could well have done this but there are equal motives on the part of others to make it look like Assad did this too. Turkey seems to me was the first to make the Sarin gas claim and their hands are quite dirty in all of this.

There is real cause IMO to remain very skeptical of all sides and then see where this goes over time.

Russia is claiming a frame up and the chemicals weren't Assad's but as usual it is one of the situations where the public will never know exactly what happened.

I think it was Assad but I don't think there is any "good" side in that conflict.


nowhere special

Did Trump bomb his own Trumpism last night?

Trump was in a situation where he would be criticized no matter what he did.


Well-Known Member
Russia is claiming a frame up and the chemicals weren't Assad's but as usual it is one of the situations where the public will never know exactly what happened.

I think it was Assad but I don't think there is any "good" side in that conflict.

We're what about 72 hours into this whole thing. Remembering the past, I'd rather step back and see what comes later. Not sure I agree with the public never knowing exactly what occurred but in the short term you are spot on.


Well-Known Member
Nobody and I mean NOBODY avoids the hypocrisy that is demanded by the Office of the President of the United States.

Even Jesus himself would be reduced to a lying POS if he were elected to it!

Thus, what does that say not just about POTUS but the United States itself?



Well-Known Member
Tomahawk Cruise Missile $1.4 mil

59 Tomahawk Cruise Missiles $82.6 mil

So where is the fiscal responsibility crowd?


Nine Lives
Tomahawk Cruise Missile $1.4 mil

59 Tomahawk Cruise Missiles $82.6 mil

So where is the fiscal responsibility crowd?
Those were not spent costs ... they were in inventory.
They were sunk cost.
Now keeping the ships close to Syria is another matter.
Right idea just wrong subject.


Well-Known Member
Those were not spent costs ... they were in inventory.
They were sunk cost.
Now keeping the ships close to Syria is another matter.
Right idea just wrong subject.

Good point. Not worth bringing up afterall since we surely won't replenish those missiles in inventory. Good thing as the new missiles will be at a likely higher cost too. Good fiscal responsibility thinking on your part.

Just proves how the weapons of war are such a cost effective allocation of resources.


Nine Lives
Good point. Not worth bringing up afterall since we surely won't replenish those missiles in inventory. Good thing as the new missiles will be at a likely higher cost too. Good fiscal responsibility thinking on your part.

Just proves how the weapons of war are such a cost effective allocation of resources.
I just wanted to see if I could get you to make a pissy post.
I got jealous of all the others.


Retired 23 years
So when the dust settles once again we will be told a lot of infrastructure and a few civilians were killed. Then the US taxpayer will pay off the families and rebuild everything.


Well-Known Member
Then the US taxpayer will pay off the families and rebuild everything.

This is where the Corporations who run The Swamp make bank. It's the gift that keeps on giving.

What's In Your Wallet?

After they get done with the working man and woman, the wallet will be filled with nothing but cobwebs.

Oh Shoot

Middle fingers up
those pictures of shaking, foam mouth, dying children were plastered across the TV for days. More than some could stand. War is not pretty or a spectator sport. People really do die. On principle there need to be action take against Assad however that should be a UN coalition action not unilateral action.

On second thought those people killed in Syria would do the same to you and me without a second thought if they could. These people are not our friends or allies and never will be. If outsiders including the US would get out of the Middle East and sub-Saharan Africa eventually peace or attrition would end the conflict as one side or the other wins.
It might not be the winner you want but we wouldn't be in the middle of a civil war and fighting both sides. Leave these people to their own devises. The more they wipe out over there the fewer we will have to fight over here eventually.

Oh Shoot

Middle fingers up
We need to be developing our own energy sector and stay out of the middle east. Let them kill each other like they have for thousands of years. Oil has been the biggest curse to the middle east along with modern weaponry. Barbarians are tolerable on a small scale but not with billions of dollars and modern weapons. Follow the arms and money and it will lead you to Saudi Arabia.


Well-Known Member
If we should bomb Syrians for bombing other Syrians, who should have bombed the US when Americans bombed Americans in Oklahoma City?