

Well-Known Member
which is absolutely silly. you want to speak to trumps alleged hatred of minorities while ignoring the previous presidents failure to do anything but make their conditions worse.

meanwhile you wish to speak to This alleged hatred yet wish to ignore that under trump black and Hispanic employment is now the best it has ever history...ever.

you cant have this conversation ignoring reality.

reality is that Obama's actions and results showed a hatred for those minorities. something you cant seem to address with your 5000 word dissertations.

so were you the cause of the oil spills in the gulf? is that why you are on a UPS site rather then working at your craft?

Trump's hatred of Mexicans, Muslims, and black people from crap hole nation's is pertinent because it's why he is beloved by republican voters, who don't know what he believes and therefore don't care about his actual policies. It is why Trump ran on raising his own taxes and then cut them. It is why Trump on ran on draining the swamp, but has an administration filled with people like Pruitt, Price, Carson, etc who have had government corruption scandals, it is why he ran on building a wall and Mexico paying for it and neither thing is occurring, he ran on bringing back manufacturing jobs which is not occurring, its why he ran on getting rid of TPP and now wants back in, its why he'll say one week we are removing all troops from Syria and the next say we are bombing Syria and not lose support from his supporters. They love his racism and therefore policy is irrelevant to republican voters.

That is the point I am making.
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Well-Known Member
You sir are confused. Every major Democrat said that Saddam must go before the war in Iraq. John Kerry famously said he was for the war before he was against it. When they were all pontificating they didn't count on one thing, that George W. Bush would actually do something. But this is the Democrat modus operandi, talk big one day, then down the road claim they never said it or as you put it, claim that they warned and argued against something when they didn't. It's exactly why so many legislatures, Governorships, and Federal Offices went Republican, people could see the Democrats talking out of both sides of their mouths. Republicans aren't perfect, but at least they stand for something. What do Democrats stand for? Getting power back to get at all that tax money is pretty much it.
You aren't reading for comprehension. The existence of Democrats who failed like Kerry, doesn't obscure the Democrats like Barbara Lee who didn't fail in their Iraq War assessments, that is why I posted "anti-Iraq war Democrats" to distinguish them from the others.

And those Anti-Iraq War democrats did say that war in Iraq would fail for these reasons and everyone of them has bourn out.


Well-Known Member
You aren't reading for comprehension. The existence of Democrats who failed like Kerry, doesn't obscure the Democrats like Barbara Lee who didn't fail in their Iraq War assessments, that is why I posted "anti-Iraq war Democrats" to distinguish them from the others.

And those Anti-Iraq War democrats did say that war in Iraq would fail for these reasons and everyone of them has bourn out.
And I said "every major Democrat". Almost all of them. But let's play your game. I want to see the quotes from Barbara Lee and others saying what you claimed they did. Hindsight is 20/20. Let's see how prescient they were in their descriptions of what was about to happen. If they were accurate, fine. Let's see it.


Well-Known Member
And I said "every major Democrat". Almost all of them. But let's play your game. I want to see the quotes from Barbara Lee and others saying what you claimed they did. Hindsight is 20/20. Let's see how prescient they were in their descriptions of what was about to happen. If they were accurate, fine. Let's see it.

So your thing has nothing to do with my post, so I don't know what is your point?
There were anti-Iraq war democrats. Those Democrats said the Iraq War would fail for these reasons and every single one of those reasons has been bourn out.
You can do a google search or not I don't care either way.


Well-Known Member
So your thing has nothing to do with my post, so I don't know what is your point?
There were anti-Iraq war democrats. Those Democrats said the Iraq War would fail for these reasons and every single one of those reasons has been bourn out.
You can do a google search or not I don't care either way.
I did, couldn't find anything other than some were for, some against. You were the one claiming Democrats made astute predictions of what would happen. If they did great. But prove it.


Well-Known Member
They did and I don't have to prove anything.

I'd say do a better google search.
So in other words you'll make claims without backing it up. I've said before on this forum I think it was a mistake to go into Iraq. But on the other hand it drew in a lot of Al-Qaeda fighters and the world's a better place that we killed so many of them.


golden ticket member
The media is putting too much emphasis on "mission accomplished".
If my job of the day is to wash the car and I do it, I can say "mission accomplished". If Trump & others set out to bomb chemical places in Syria, then, "mission accomplished".

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I'm guessing the US interest is the same as the rest of the civilized world, no chemical weapons as they cannot be targeted at solely military combatant. It is a protection for every non -combatant, you know women and children, old people and such. That's just kinda my guess.
Trump's military direction for dealing with ISIS has allowed our military to kill dramatically more civilians than under Obama's entire term. Kinda hard to argue we attacked a sovereign state to protect civilians when our current rules of engagement don't give a rat's about civilians.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
The media is putting too much emphasis on "mission accomplished".
If my job of the day is to wash the car and I do it, I can say "mission accomplished". If Trump & others set out to bomb chemical places in Syria, then, "mission accomplished".
Trump said it to troll. Don't feed the troll.


Well-Known Member
Trump's military direction for dealing with ISIS has allowed our military to kill dramatically more civilians than under Obama's entire term. Kinda hard to argue we attacked a sovereign state to protect civilians when our current rules of engagement don't give a rat's about civilians.
Yeah, Obama just let ISIS do the killing of innocents instead of putting a stop to it once and for all. Bet ISIS killed a lot more people in Syria than Trump has.


Well-Known Member
Trump's military direction for dealing with ISIS has allowed our military to kill dramatically more civilians than under Obama's entire term. Kinda hard to argue we attacked a sovereign state to protect civilians when our current rules of engagement don't give a rat's about civilians.

Obama was known for his effectiveness at killing innocent civilians. do you have any proof that Trump has killed any much less more then Obama?


Well-Known Member
a ton of american presidents have supported terrorists. american presidents have no morals.