Gone Fish'n
Or quitting.By not getting hurt or sick.
Or quitting.By not getting hurt or sick.
How do you hassle your way out of 80% ER, Major Medical, X-ray?
All part timers should VOTE.....All part timers should vote no on this TA.
All part timers should vote no on this TA.
ER is covered in full on the first day of your symptoms/accident, and x-ray/diagnostics is covered in full at Qwest/US Imaging. Not certain where you see 80% major medical -- it's just a broad term ... it means the fees outside the office visit your doctor charges. The only reference on the pamphlet is toward the deductible -- it means co-pays (e.g. $10 office visit) don't count toward your deductible / it also means that if you see a doctor, you pay only the co-pay even if the deductible isn't met. This is unchanged from our current insurance.
Like I said, the benefits provide an option to minimum additional out-of-pocket expenses, and the escalators will help keep costs down -- which will keep the general wage increase in our pockets and help enable no-cost benefits next contract. Instead of getting hung up in the benefits, we should be fighting for a catch-up raise -- 20c per year would net all of us an additional $3500, which for most is several times what the new insurance will cost.
The ER is 100% on accident/injury only if you visit the ER with symptoms such as chest pains, server abdominal pain, fever, etc it is 80%
The Quest/US is actually an improvement IF it is an option. What if you are in a hospital where it is not?
The Major Medical Expense Benefit covers certain expenses for illness, injury or pregnancy which are not covered by the Basic Benefits previously described. If your Benefits Summary does not specify any benefits as Basic Benefits, all medical expenses are payable as a Major Medical Expense Benefit.
I agree with you on the catch up.
The ER is 100% on accident/injury only if you visit the ER with symptoms such as chest pains, server abdominal pain, fever, etc it is 80%
The Quest/US is actually an improvement IF it is an option. What if you are in a hospital where it is not?
The Major Medical Expense Benefit covers certain expenses for illness, injury or pregnancy which are not covered by the Basic Benefits previously described. If your Benefits Summary does not specify any benefits as Basic Benefits, all medical expenses are payable as a Major Medical Expense Benefit.
Yes, it works outs out to slightly more than 2% a year. Now my wife works another union job and makes less than us and is getting a 3.5% cost of living raise in their contract and it is less than our raise. But ours is a lower percentage raise (slightly more than 2% on average). I make 33.13 per hour. A 1% raise would be .33 cents and a 2% raise would be .66 cents per hour and a 3 percent raise would be .99 cents per hour.$3.90 over 5 years is a "less than cost of living" raise? You must be living on Maui. Aloha!
Like I said, we'll have to wait for the book to arrive.
Yes, it works outs out to slightly more than 2% a year. Now my wife works another union job and makes less than us and is getting a 3.5% cost of living raise in their contract and it is less than our raise. But ours is a lower percentage raise (slightly more than 2% on average). I make 33.13 per hour. A 1% raise would be .33 cents and a 2% raise would be .66 cents per hour and a 3 percent raise would be .99 cents per hour.
Cost of living where I live is over 3%. So my original statement stands true. The raises don't cover current cost of living.
Bagels you give me hopeYou need to study economics. The raises you've earned over the past two contracts has been more than twice that of the rate of inflation - and it's likely this will be the same. Not to mention that personal inflation rates are always lower than the national inflation rate.
You're getting all this from a half sheet of paper?
-The verbiage on ER is ambiguous at this point, but it's not sensible to cover an accident/injury but not a possible heart attack. Most likely, if you go to the ER at first signs of a heart attack it will be covered.
-You can plan some x-rays/diagnostics at Quest/US Imagining and take the hit on the unavoidable ones at the hospital/doctor's. It'll even out. I've actually heard that there's more detail on this particular coverage that will be released soon, since some employees don't live near Quest/US. We'll have to wait.
-I'm not certain where you're getting your information on Major Medical, as that's not how it's being referred to in the deductible, but based on the examples provided to the union locals, you're certainly not paying 20% of a pregnancy or cancer treatment.
Like I said, we'll have to wait for the book to arrive.
I received a piece of mail yesterday from the union regarding the contract. They described the 4 year progression for future full-timers to be a victory in their negotiations. Wow.
That's what ups wanted.Would you have preferred a two-tiered wage system?
I received a piece of mail yesterday from the union regarding the contract. They described the 4 year progression for future full-timers to be a victory in their negotiations. Wow.
Would you have preferred a two-tiered wage system?
That's what ups wanted.
The memorandum states that the base plan will be the C6 with enhancements of phased deductible, reduced co pays, and mail order prescription drugs.
Do you expect other enhancements?
I am getting info from the plan document and central states website.
The memorandum also states the enhancements apply only to those moving to the CSHW. I have some FT in my building that are central states that believe they will also see improvements.